Superior Kabine
30% Ponant Bonus
21 m²
In Partnerschaft mit Le Cercle Polaire, im Rahmen der Operation Frauen an den Polen und mit der außergewöhnlichen Anwesenheit von Laurent Mayet.
Wenn es einen Ort auf der Welt gibt, der wie kein anderer die Fantasie von Reisenden beflügelt und bei ihnen sofort die Sehnsucht nach Abenteuern auslöst, dann sind es die fernen, unberührten Gebiete des weißen Kontinents. Die Antarktis, die von einer erstaunlichen endemischen Tierwelt bewohnt wird, heißt Sie auf einer 11-tägigen Expeditionskreuzfahrt willkommen.
An der Grenze zwischen Atlantik und Pazifik fahren Sie durch die Drake-Passage. Dort warten die „Roaring Forties“ und „Screaming Fifties“ auf Sie: Der Wind bläst und die Wellen schlagen gegen den Bug des Schiffs. Kapsturmvögel begleiten Sie in ihr Reich bis Sie die ersten Küsten des weißen Kontinents am Horizont entdecken.
Um Sie herum nur Eis, soweit das Auge reicht und in seinen allen Formen. Gebirgsreliefs öffnen sich, um den riesigen kalbenden Gletschern Platz zu machen, Tafeleisberge treiben im Südlichen Ozean und in der Ferne schillert Packeis. Die Naturführer an Bord weihen Sie in die Geheimnisse dieses einzigartigen Ökosystems ein, und während Sie sich den Ufern nähern, erscheinen die ersten Pinguine. Esels-, Adelie- und Zügelpinguine, diese kuriosen Vögel, Wahrzeichen der Antarktis, teilen ihre Strände mit Seeleoparden, Krabbenfresser- und Weddellrobben. Bei Ausfahrten oder Anlandungen mit den Zodiacs oder einer Kajak-Tour bewegen Sie sich in einer grandiosen Kulisse, durchflutet vom Polarlicht.
Wir sind Gäste dieser extremen Regionen, wo Wetter- und Eisbedingungen das Sagen haben. Reiseverlauf, Anlandungen an bestimmten Orten und Tierbeobachtungen können nicht garantiert werden und variieren von Tag zu Tag. So wird jede Kreuzfahrt mit PONANT einzigartig. Der Kapitän und der Expeditionsleiter setzen alles daran, Ihre Erfahrung so reich wie möglich zu gestalten, unter Einhaltung der Sicherheitsregeln und der IAATO-Richtlinien.
Ref : LY281125
In Partnerschaft mit Le Cercle Polaire, im Rahmen der Operation Frauen an den Polen und mit der außergewöhnlichen Anwesenheit von Laurent Mayet. Expeditionskreuzfahrt zur Entdeckung der schönsten...
Unser gast
Für mehr Sicherheit wählt PONANT Flüge aus und kümmert sich um Ihre Transfers für Ihre Reise sowie um Landbesuche vor und nach dem Ausschiffen.
Diese Reise könnte Ihnen auch gefallen...
*Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit und basiert auf der Auslastung des jeweiligen Schiffes. Die Kabinenkategorie, für die dieser Preis gilt, ist möglichweise nicht mehr verfügbar
Wählen Sie eine Kabinenkategorie aus
Laurent Mayet
Founding-President of the think tank le Cercle Polaire
Laurent Mayet is the co-founder of the think tank Le Cercle Polaire which focuses on developing a greater knowledge and better governance of the polar regions (political lobbying and cultural and educational actions). He is the co-director of the revue North and South Poles with Stéphane Hergueta and returns regularly to both the Arctic and the Antarctic, including the geographical Poles.
He held the positions of Special Advisor to the former Prime Minister Michel Rocard, Ambassador for Polar Affairs, and Interministerial Coordinator of the National Roadmap for the Arctic from 2009 to 2016, Special Representative on Polar Affairs (2016-2017) and Deputy Ambassador in charge of Ocean Affairs (2018) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is currently in charge of Polar Issues at the Ministry of Education and Youth.
A Navy reservist, in September 2016, he received the Medal for Voluntary Military Service, Bronze Class, in recognition of outstanding chairmanship in the working group Alidade on the Arctic at the Navy Centre of Strategic Studies (CESM), which led to the publication of a significant report on the “opening up of the Arctic marine areas.”
An engineer and oceanographer, he holds the superior teaching degree in physical sciences in France and a postgraduate degree in the philosophy of science.
Languages spoken : french, english and spanish
Photo crédit :© lecerclepolaire
Expedition programmes include activities such as Zodiac® outings and landings (sometimes with "wet landing"), moderate walks to more active hikes, all accompanied by your expedition team of naturalist guides.
Ports of call, visited sites, outings and landings will depend on weather conditions, position of ice, winds and the state of the sea. These can force a change of plans at any time. The Captain and the Expedition Leader may at any time cancel or stop any activity, or even modify the itinerary. The final itinerary will be confirmed by the Captain, who will take into account the touristic quality of the sites and above all, the safety of the passengers. His decision will be based on advice from experts and authorities.
Travelling to polar/isolated regions is an exhilarating experience in remote areas: please remember that you are far from modern hospitals with full medical facilities, thus evacuation is extremely expensive. Without adequate medical coverage, all expenses will have to be immediately paid with your personal funds. We urge you to subscribe to full coverage insurance, choose your insurance company very carefully, be extremely vigilant and ensure your insurance is fully comprehensive, especially if you are insured by your credit card. PONANT offers an insurance contract with extensive guarantees, please contact us for more information.
Clothing tips:
Ideal clothes for life on board:
During the days spent on board, you are advised to wear comfortable clothes or casual outfits. The entire ship is air-conditioned, so a light sweater, a light jacket or a shawl may be necessary. When moving about in the public areas of the ship and the decks, light but comfortable shoes are recommended.
Informal evening:
In the evening, you are advised to wear smart-casual attire, especially when dining in our restaurants where wearing shorts and tee-shirts is not allowed.
For women:
For men:
Officer’s evening:
For all cruises longer than 8 nights, an Officer’s Evening with a white dress code may be organized. Therefore, we encourage you to bring a stylish white outfit for the occasion (otherwise black and white).
Gala evening:
During the cruise, two gala evenings will be organised on board. Thus, we recommend that you bring one or two formal outfits.
For women:
For men:
A small shop is available on board offering a wide range of outfits, jewellery, leather goods and many accessories.
A laundry service (washing/ironing) is available on board, but unfortunately there are no dry cleaning services. For safety reasons, your cabin is not equipped with an iron.
PONANT Aktivitäten
Kayak Discovery
Get as up close to the natural environment as possible with an excursion aboard a two-person sea kayak, during one 2-hour session.
Guided by a state-registered polar navigation specialist, you'll discover and explore breathtakingly scenic polar landscapes and scenery.
All the necessary equipment will be provided for you on board.
How is the activity organised?
Once you’ve arrived onboard the ship, you’ll meet your guides and the rest of the people taking part in the activity. This will be an opportunity to provide a general introduction to the activity, outline the rules that need to be followed, provide the necessary equipment and separate the participants into groups based on personal preferences and/or ability level.
The day before the activity is due to take place, a new briefing session will be organised to provide you with further details about the port of call and how the excursion will be organised. We’ll then provide you with the necessary equipment, which you’ll be required to take very good care of.
On the day of the kayak activity, you’ll first get changed at the ship’s marina platform (keeping your boots and parkas with you) before then being transported to land by Zodiac® and taken to your kayaks.
Before you climb into your kayaks and set off on your adventure, your guides will provide a final safety briefing.
What requirements do you need to meet in order to go sea kayaking?
Though it’s always useful to have at least one experience of sea kayaking under your belt, due to the high quality of the equipment we provide and the experience of the guides who’ll be supervising you, we are able to take complete beginners to places normally only accessible to professional kayakers and seasoned outdoor adventurers.
Participants will be formed into groups based on ability level onboard the ship to ensure everyone is able to make smooth progress on the trip.
Sea kayaking is a physically demanding activity, for both the heart and the muscles. We require you to be in a good state of general physical health and to have a good sense of balance.
This activity is available to adults (aged 18 or over) and to children of 16 and over when accompanied by a parent.
Please note:
Le Cercle Polaire
Founded in 2006, the NGO, Le Cercle Polaire (LCP) is working to develop a greater knowledge and understanding of the polar regions, the Arctic and Antarctic, in addition to promoting their protection. During the last decade, LCP has played a key participatory role on national, European and international levels in the political battle for a better ecological governance of the polar regions. Since 2009, Company Ponant has been supporting LCP’s cultural and educational actions, including Women of the Poles/Femmes aux Pôles, its ongoing campaign in line with the United Nations Agenda 2030.
Women of the poles
Within the context of the United Nations Agenda 2030 which is comprised of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SWGs), is SDG5, dedicated to Gender Equality and Empowerment of all women and girls. This SDG is defined by the international community as "a necessary condition to ensure a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous world". In recognition and support of this declaration, the NGO Le Cercle Polaire (LCP), has launched the campaign Women of the poles. Certainly, the issue is not of the same importance for women living in places such as Algeria, Iran or Afghanistan.
The campaign brings to light the achievements of polar women adventurers, explorers and photographers from around the world by presenting their first hand accounts of on journeys and expeditions which rival or surpass those of their male counterparts. Polar experiences have recently become one of the symbols among others in the battle for gender equality and of the fight against discrimination affecting women and girls. It is this aspect on which LCP and Ponant (through its initiative #PONANTwomen) choose to put special emphasis although not precluding other important aspects such as the severe beauty of polar landscapes, unique relationships with nature, pushing oneself to the limits, the experience of isotaion and of the void, disorientation and change of scenery, to name but a few.
The Women of the poles campaign led by le Cercle Polaire brings together 50 polar women adventurers, explorers or photographers from around the world presenting the singular story of each women’s accomplishment and the spirit brought to each. These first hand accounts will be published on a Facebook page, on the Cercle Polaire website page, and a digital booklet grouping the photos and the writings of the Women of the poles.
Vorbehaltlich des Widerrufs im Falle von höherer Gewalt
Abhängig von Wetter- und Eisbedingungen. Highlights sind nur Beschreibungen möglicher Erlebnisse, nicht garantiert.
Einschiffung 28.11.2025 von 16:00 bis 17:00
Abfahrt 28.11.2025 um 18:00
Die Hauptstadt der argentinischen Provinz Feuerland Ushuaia gilt als das Tor zur „weißen Kontinent“ und zum Südpol. Von den Argentiniern “El fin del mundo” genannt, liegt Ushuaia tatsächlich fast am Ende der Welt, eingebettet in den Schutz der Berge und umgeben von fruchtbaren Ebenen, bewohnt von zahlreichen Tierarten. In dieser außergewöhnlichen Lage, wo die Hänge der Anden direkt ins Meer hinabfallen, ist Ushuaia einer der faszinierendsten Orte der Welt, mit einem Namen, der den Beginn unvergleichlicher Reisen in kaum zugängliche Regionen verspricht.
Ankunft 29.11.2025
Abfahrt 30.11.2025
Nutzen Sie die Tage in der Drake-Passage dazu, sich mit dem Schiff vertraut zu machen und Ihre Kenntnisse über die Antarktis zu vertiefen. Der Expeditionsleiter stellt Ihnen den Verhaltenskodex der IAATO vor, in dem Richtlinien für Landgänge festgelegt wurden, und erklärt Ihnen, wie die Ausfahrten mit dem Zodiac vor sich gehen. Vorträge über die Geschichte und die Fauna der Antarktis vermitteln Ihnen mehr über diese zauberhafte Region, in der jede Kreuzfahrt ein einmaliges Erlebnis ist. Erleben Sie außergewöhnliche Augenblicke der Navigation, bevor Sie auf den Außendecks mit den Naturführern Albatrosse, Kapsturmvögel und andere Seevögel am Himmel der Drake-Passage entdecken.
Ankunft 01.12.2025
Abfahrt 05.12.2025
Lassen Sie sich von diesem einzigartigen Ort verblüffen. Die mythische Antarktische Halbinsel übt noch heute eine echte Faszination aus und verspricht ihren Besuchern unvergessliche Augenblicke. Während Ihres ganzen Abenteuers in dieser Kulisse aus Eis fahren Sie durch spektakuläre und subtile Nuancen von blau und weiß, umgeben von einer außergewöhnlichen Fauna. Pinguine, Buckelwale, Seehunde und Riesensturmvögel sind hier ebenso zu Hause wie See-Elefanten, Pelzrobben, Südliche Zwergwale und Schwertwale. Vielleicht haben Sie während der Ausfahrten das Glück, diese Tiere zu beobachten und mit ihnen die extreme Schönheit dieser Orte zu teilen.
Jeden Tag bieten Ihnen der Kapitän und der Expeditionsleiter von den Eisbedingungen abhängige Anlandungen oder Ausfahrten mir dem zodiac, auf denen Sie den unendlichen Reichtum der Antarktischen Halbinsel entdecken. Gletscher, Packeis, Tafeleisberge, steil ins Wasser abfallende Berggipfel, vulkanische Strände, Forschungsstationen, zauberhafte Buchten oder auch Überreste der Walfangindustrie: Dies sind die vielen Gesichter dieser Region in gedämpfter Stille und einer irreal wirkenden Atmosphäre. So folgen Sie den Spuren von Jean-Baptiste Charcot, Adrien de Gerlache oder Sir Ernest Shackleton, bedeutende Erforscher der Antarktis, die sich Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts aufmachten, diese entlegenen und unbewohnten Regionen zu erobern.
Ankunft 06.12.2025
Abfahrt 07.12.2025
Sofern es einen Ort, ein Meer, eine Passage gibt, vor dem sich Besucher, Forscher und gestandene Seeleute gleichermaßen fürchten, dann ist das wohl die Drakestraße. Auf der Breite der berühmt berüchtigten „Screaming Fifties“ zwischen Kap Hoorn und den Südlichen Shetlandinseln bildet sie den kürzesten Weg zwischen der Antarktis und Südamerika. Der Weiße Kontinent will errungen werden, werden Ihnen erfahrene Antarktisreisende sagen … Kalte Ströme fließen vom Südpol in nördlicher Richtung und treffen hier auf wärmere äquatoriale Wassermassen, wodurch ideale Lebensbedingungen für eine vielfältige Meeresfauna entstehen. Und wenn Sie die Augen heben, sehen Sie am Himmel elegante Albatrosse und Kapsturmvögel, die sich in den tragenden Winden um das Schiff herum vergnügen.
Ankunft 08.12.2025
Ausschiffung 08.12.2025 um 07:00
Die Hauptstadt der argentinischen Provinz Feuerland Ushuaia gilt als das Tor zur „weißen Kontinent“ und zum Südpol. Von den Argentiniern “El fin del mundo” genannt, liegt Ushuaia tatsächlich fast am Ende der Welt, eingebettet in den Schutz der Berge und umgeben von fruchtbaren Ebenen, bewohnt von zahlreichen Tierarten. In dieser außergewöhnlichen Lage, wo die Hänge der Anden direkt ins Meer hinabfallen, ist Ushuaia einer der faszinierendsten Orte der Welt, mit einem Namen, der den Beginn unvergleichlicher Reisen in kaum zugängliche Regionen verspricht.
Savoir vivre inklusive
Französische Lebenskunst (oder eine entspannte, internationale Atmosphäre an Bord der Paul Gauguin), aufmerksamer Service, feinste Gourmetküche, Freizeitangebote, Spa: Unsere Kreuzfahrten schenken wertvolle Momente voller Ruhe und Entspannung, Abenteuer und Entdeckung. Und mit unserer Vielzahl an bereits inkludierten Leistungen wird aus Ihrer Zeit an Bord eine richtige Auszeit vom Alltag.
Erfüllen Sie sich Ihren Traum vom Abenteuer, erforschen Sie die entlegensten Winkel der Welt und entdecken Sie legendäre, unberührte Gebiete. Die eisigen Weiten der Antarktis, die Gletscher und Eisberge am Nordpol, die sich ständig verändern, die geheimnisvollen Nebel an den Küsten Nordeuropas, die Fjorde am Ende der Welt … Jedes Reiseziel enthüllt neue Landschaften und eine unglaublich vielfältige Tierwelt. Bei Vorträgen teilen unsere Naturführer ihr Wissen über die Geschichte der großen Entdeckungen, über Geologie und Klima, über Flora und Fauna und laden Sie ein, besondere Momente des Austauschs mit der einheimischen Bevölkerung zu erleben.
Einzelkabinenzuschlag geschenkt
*Einzelkabinenzuschlag entfällt. Begrenztes Kontingent, abhängig von Verfügbarkeit.
Unsere Zusatzleistungen
Complete your Air Package experience with an additional night in Buenos Aires.
Day 1 - Buenos Aires
Meet at Buenos Aires Ezeiza International Airport in the Arrival hall. Look for PONANT sign. You will be greeted by our local representative off the flight selected by PONANT or any other flight (provided that you have previously communicated your flight schedule to your travel agent).
You will be transferred to your Air Package hotel. Early check in 11am.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 2 - Buenos Aires
Breakfast will be served at the hotel.
Day at leisure, before Air Package night.
In option : 4 hours private guided visit (with bilingual guide).
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note:
Duration and order of the visits may vary. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 250 €
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Enhance your cruise and extend your trip with a carefully designed program.
With this rich and varied program, you can admire the wild nature of Patagonia in the Torres del Paine nature reserve, and finally explore the spectacular Perito Moreno glacier.
Day 1 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Meet and greet at the Ezeiza International Airport of Buenos Aires in arrival hall. Look for PONANT sign. You will be greeted by our local representative upon arrival of the flight selected by PONANT or any other flight (provided that you have previously communicated your flight schedule to your travel agent).
You will be transferred to the Palladio MGallery 5* (or similar).
Lunch, afternoon, and dinner are at your leisure.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 2 - Buenos Aires, Argentina/El Calafate, Argentina/Puerto Natales, Chile
After breakfast, check out of the hotel and transfer to Buenos Aires airport for the flight to El Calafate selected by Ponant. Upon being welcomed by your local English-speaking representative, you will be transferred in a local restaurant for lunch, with a demonstration of the "Gaucho" life. Later drive towards the Chilean border at Cerro Castillo (about a 3-hour drive). Proceed through border formalities, and board your motorcoach with your Chilean local driver and guide.
Proceed to Puerto Natales (1.5-hour drive), and you will arrive at The Remota Patagonia lodge hotel 4* (or similar).
Dinner at the hotel.
Day 3 - Puerto Natales, Chile /Torres del Paine National Park, Chile /El Calafate, Argentina
Early breakfast and check out of your hotel.
Today visit the Torres del Paine National Park, which provides wonderful views onto the Torres Massif and its jagged peaks, as well as of Grey Glacier. Several short hikes enable visitors to reach the most beautiful viewing points in the park and to become acquainted with the wealth of flora and fauna found in the area.
This 227,298-hectare sanctuary was founded under the name of Lago Gray National Tourism Park on May 13, 1959, when the main activity of the area was still Livestock and tourism were relegated to a few adventurers. Just on April 30, 1970, the park adds 11,000 new hectares to its protected terrain and is baptized as it is known today: Torres del Paine National Park. The park encompasses ancient forests, glaciers, lakes, rivers and fjords, and fauna including guanacos, foxes, pumas and a diverse array of birds.
Boxed lunch with beverages will be provided.
Transfer to El Calafate (about 2-hour drive) to the Hotel Posada Los Alamos 4* (or similar), enjoy dinner at the hotel.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 4 - El Calafate, Argentina/Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina/El Calafate, Argentina
After breakfast, visit the spectacular Perito Moreno glacier. This extraordinary tour will bring you to the biggest and most important highlight of the Argentine Patagonia region.
Depart from the hotel to visit Perito Moreno (approximately 1 hour 17 min drive time from El Calafate). During this tour, you will notice the dramatic change in landscape. While in El Calafate everything is dry, harsh and flat, at the park entrance you will see trees, mountains and green vegetation. Soon you will see the breath-taking Perito Moreno glacier, the centerpiece of the national park. Due to unusually favorable local conditions, it is one of the few advancing glaciers on the planet. The Moreno glacier merits a visit and you will be highly impressed standing only a few meters away from its 200 to 260-yard high (60 to 80 m) walls. The deep blue colors of the ice and the shape of the glacier with all its small columns are unbelievable. You will have enough time to explore this site by yourself, before returning to El Calafate.
You will be return to Posada Los Alamos Hotel (or similar) for the night.
Dinner at the hotel.
Day 5 - El Calafate/Ushuaia
Breakfast and check out of hotel. Transfer to El Calafate airport in time for flight El Calafate/Ushuaia selected by PONANT.
After being welcomed by our local English-speaking representative, you will be transferred to a local restaurant for lunch.
Enjoy some time at leisure in the city center of Ushuaia before your transfer to the pier in time for embarkation.
Your hotels:
Hotel Remota Patagonia Lodge 4*
This hotel offers you a stay immersed in the wild landscapes, history, and traditions of Patagonia.
The rooms, elegant and comfortable, promise you a sophisticated connection to nature thanks to windows with a view on majestic landscapes arounds. Its luxurious services include a spa as well as common areas that will allow you an authentic and luxurious stay.
Hotel Posada Los Alamos 4*
The Hotel Posada Los Alamos is situated in the heart of El Calafate, close to Argentino Lake. It has spa facilities, an indoor pool and free Wi-Fi in all areas. The guest rooms feature heating, as well as a mini bar and cable TV. Rooms have views over the organic garden and the mountains beyond.
Your program includes:
Your program does not include:
Please note:
Contact of your hotels:
Palladio MGallery 5*
Suipacha 1036, C1008 CABA, Argentine
+54 11 4114-3400
Remota Patagonia lodge 4*
Ruta 9 Norte km 1, 6160000 5, Natales, Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena, Chili
+56 2 2387 1270
Hotel Posada Los Alamos 4*/ El Calafate
Ing. Hector Mario Guatti 1135, El Calafate - Santa Cruz - Patagonia
+ 54 29 0249 1144
Duration and order of the visits may vary. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 4.220 €
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Enhance your cruise and extend your trip with a carefully designed program.
Day 1 - Ushuaia/Buenos Aires
Meet and greet upon arrival of the flight Ushuaia/Buenos Aires selected by PONANT by our local representative.
You will be transferred to the Palladio Hotel Buenos Aires MGallery 5* (or similar).
Lunch and afternoon at leisure.
Dinner included at the hotel.
Optional activity: argentinian dinner show
You will be immersed in the magnificent cultural Argentinian heritage. Sit back and enjoy some of the best folkloric dancers, traditionnal singers, of Buenos Aires, enjoying a tasty dinner.
Day 2 - Buenos Aires
Breakfast followed by check-out.
Day at leisure.
You will then be transferred to the airport in time for your flight selected by Ponant or any other flight (provided that you have previously communicated your flight schedule to your travel agent).
Your hotel:
Palladio Hotel Buenos Aires MGallery 5* (or similar)
Located in the refined neighborhood of La Recoleta, known for its neoclassical architecture, the hotel offers easy access to the main tourist attractions of Buenos Aires. The establishment has elegant and spacious rooms, swimming pool, restaurant and bar, for an authentic and exclusive stay.
Your program includes:
Your program does not include:
Please note:
Contact of your hotel:
Palladio Hotel Buenos Aires MGallery 5*
Av. Callao 924
C1023 AAP
Buenos Aires
Duration and order of the visits may vary. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents. Travelers are advised to check on their government websites, or relevant local authorities for the latest Travel Advisories, passport, visa and health requirements for your intended destinations.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 480 €
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.