Superior Kabine Deck 3
21 m²
Gehen Sie in Barcelona an Bord der L’Austral für eine 12-tägige Kreuzfahrt von Spanien bis an die majestätische Küste Maltas.
Während Ihrer gesamten Reise profitieren Sie von einem bereits im Reisepreis inkludierten Landausflug pro Anlaufhafen und Person. Dieser ist aus einem vom PONANT sorgfältig zusammengestellten Angebot auszuwählen. Entdecken Sie auf dieser Kreuzfahrt Alghero und seine Nuraghen und erfahren Sie mehr über die spanischen Einflüsse auf dieser italienischen Insel, entdecken Sie Reggio Calabria und die berühmten Bronzen von Riace bei einem Besuch des renommierten Nationalmuseums von Magna Graecia, oder bewundern Sie die sizilianische Barockarchitektur bei einem Besuch des Dorfes Noto von Syrakus aus. Die Vielfalt der angebotenen Erlebnisse verspricht ebenso intensive wie abwechslungsreiche Momente (gesamtes Angebot unter dem Reiter „Reiseroute“ einsehbar).
Die Reise beginnt auf den Balearen auf der unberührten Insel Menorca. Die Inselhauptstadt Mahon verzaubert mit ihrer tausendjährigen Geschichte und ihrem außergewöhnlichen Hafen, mit 6 Kilometern Länge der größte des Mittelmeers!
Dann fährt die L’Austral weiter nach Sardinien und legt in Alghero an. Die mittelalterlichen Befestigungsanlagen zeugen von der reichen Vergangenheit dieser Hafenstadt, Sie entdecken die historische Altstadt und die majestätische Kathedrale. Cagliari, die Hauptstadt der Insel, bezaubert Sie mit ihrem historischen Stadtkern voller schattiger Treppen, lichtdurchfluteter kleiner Plätze und Ruinen, die an ihre mittelalterliche Größe erinnern.
Anschließend fahren Sie nach Sizilien und Trapani. Diese mittelalterliche Stadt liegt auf einem dreieckigen, terrassenförmigen Hochplateau in 750 Metern Höhe. Ein Labyrinth aus engen Gassen mit poliertem Kopfsteinpflaster bietet herrliche Ausblicke über die Egaden-Inseln und das Tal.
Palermo verströmt die Düfte der sizilianischen Seele auf den malerischen Märkten, die Geschichte ist überall gegenwärtig. Die Kathedrale aus dem 12. Jahrhundert und das Teatro Massimo, eines der größten Europas, machen den Stadtkern zu einem wahren Schatz mit vielfältigen kulturellen Einflüssen.
Etwas weiter nördlich entdecken Sie die Liparischen Inseln. Lipari, die Hauptinsel der vulkanischen Liparischen Inseln, ist insbesondere für ihre zahlreichen natürlichen und architektonischen Schönheiten berühmt.
Das nächste Ziel auf Ihrer Route ist Catania. Die Stadt an den Hängen des Ätna wurde bereits 7 Mal durch Vulkanausbrüche zerstört! Sie gehört zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO und birgt einen unvergleichlichen kulturellen Reichtum.
In Syrakus auf der Insel Ortygia, dem ältesten Teil der Stadt, schlummert die Seele Siziliens: Schlendern Sie durch das Labyrinth aus von Kirchen, Palästen und Relikten aus der Antike gesäumten Gässchen und besuchen Sie die majestätische Kathedrale im Zentrum der Insel.
Gozo, eine unberührte Insel mit einer Megalithanlage, die zum UNESCO-Welterbe gehört, ist die letzte Station Ihrer Reise.
In Valletta, der Hauptstadt der Insel Malta und ehemaligen Hochburg des Ritterordens, endet die Kreuzfahrt.
Ref : AU260425
Eine Kreuzfahrt von Spanien über Sardinien und die sizilianische Küste nach Malta, auf der Sie majestätische Orte und prächtige Landschaften entdecken. Während der Kreuzfahrt von einem inkludierten...
Für mehr Sicherheit wählt PONANT Flüge aus und kümmert sich um Ihre Transfers für Ihre Reise sowie um Landbesuche vor und nach dem Ausschiffen.
Diese Reise könnte Ihnen auch gefallen...
*Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit und basiert auf der Auslastung des jeweiligen Schiffes. Die Kabinenkategorie, für die dieser Preis gilt, ist möglichweise nicht mehr verfügbar
Wählen Sie eine Kabinenkategorie aus
Ideal clothes for life on board:
During the days spent on board, you are advised to wear comfortable clothes or casual outfits. The entire ship is air-conditioned, so a light sweater, a light jacket or a shawl may be necessary. When moving about in the public areas of the ship and the decks, light but comfortable shoes are recommended.
Informal evening:
In the evening, you are advised to wear smart-casual attire, especially when dining in our restaurants where wearing shorts and tee-shirts is not allowed.
For women:
For men:
Officer’s evening:
For all cruises longer than 8 nights, an Officer’s Evening with a white dress code may be organized. Therefore, we encourage you to bring a stylish white outfit for the occasion (otherwise black and white).
Gala evening:
During the cruise, two gala evenings will be organised on board. Thus, we recommend that you bring one or two formal outfits.
For women:
For men:
A small shop is available on board offering a wide range of outfits, jewellery, leather goods and many accessories.
A laundry service (washing/ironing) is available on board, but unfortunately there are no dry cleaning services. For safety reasons, your cabin is not equipped with an iron.
In your hand luggage, remember to bring any medicines that you need, and possibly a small spare bag of toiletries (in case of delay in the delivery of your baggage by the airline). Remember to always have your travel documents with you in case you need them: hotel vouchers, cruise vouchers, return flight tickets... Never leave them in your hold luggage.
All our cabins have a safe. We recommend not to go ashore with valuable jewellery.
PONANT Aktivitäten
*Vorreservierungen der Landausflüge ab etwa zwei Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt möglich. Anfragen werden nach Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs und unter Berücksichtigung einer entsprechenden Verfügbarkeit bearbeitet.
Einschiffung 26.04.2025 von 16:00 bis 17:00
Abfahrt 26.04.2025 um 18:00
Die Stadt Barcelona zwischen Meer und den Bergen Montjuïc und Tibidabo bietet ihren zahlreichen Besuchern eine perfekte Mischung aus Traditionen und Modernität. Die „Stadt der Wunder“ ist ein wahres Freilichtmuseum. Sie birgt eine erstaunlich breitgefächerte Palette an Kunstschätzen und Museen, die von Relikten aus der Römerzeit über mittelalterliche Viertel bis hin zu zahlreichen avantgardistischen Elementen aus dem 20. Jahrhundert reicht. Im Laufe der Jahre drückten bedeutende Künstler wie Picasso, Miró oder Gaudí, dessen architektonische Werke in der Stadt zum größten Teil als Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO eingestuft wurden, der Stadt ihren Stempel auf. Bummeln Sie auf der berühmten Flaniermeile Las Ramblas und kosten Sie die typisch mediterrane Süße des Lebens in der katalanischen Hauptstadt.
Ankunft 27.04.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 27.04.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Die Stadt Mahon empfängt sie mit Häusern in warmen Farben. Beim Bummel durch die kontrastreiche Stadt entdecken Sie kleine Gassen und hübschen Plätze. Mahon enthüllt seine Stadtviertel mit Bauwerken, Villen und weißen Gebäuden. Entdecken Sie die Kirche Santa Maria, ein im 18. Jahrhundert in einem von der Neugotik inspirierten Stil wieder aufgebautes Gebäude. Sehenswert ist die monumentale Orgel mit über 3000 Pfeifen und 4 Klaviaturen. Auf dem Markt um die Kirche Nuestra Senora del Carmen herum finden Sie unter anderem Avarcas, die traditionellen Sandalen aus Menorca, die ursprünglich von Bauern getragen wurden. Lassen Sie sich von dieser Insel, dem Juwel des Mittelmeers, verzaubern.
Ankunft 28.04.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 28.04.2025 am frühen Abend
Der an der Nordwestküste von Sardinien gelegene Ort Alghero zeigt Spuren sardischer Kultur vermischt mit Überresten einer katalanischen Vergangenheit. Hier drücken sich zahlreiche Einwohner in einem jahrhundertealten, lokalen Dialekt aus, sprechen aber auch die katalanische Sprache. Ein Spaziergang längs der noch gut erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Befestigungsanlagen ermöglicht Ihnen einen Blick auf die gesamte Stadt. Die Gassen des historischen Zentrums enthüllen Ihnen den Reichtum von dessen Vergangenheit - von der Kathedrale Santa Maria bis zu den zahlreichen Palästen aus verschiedenen Epochen.
Ankunft 29.04.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 29.04.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Genau wie Rom wurde die sardinische Hauptstadt Cagliari auf sieben Hügeln erbaut. Ihr sardischer Name bedeutet „Kastell“, denn das historische Zentrum besteht aus einer Zitadelle hoch über der Stadt. Die ehemaligen Festungsmauern sind heute angenehme Aussichtsterrassen, die die malerischen Straßen säumen. Kulturen und Zivilisationen von den Nuraghen über die Phönizier, die Römer und das Byzantinische Reich lösten sich hier ab, bis die Insel unter die Herrschaft der spanischen Habsburger und des Hauses Savoyen geriet. Die Bauwerke von Cagliari wie die Kathedrale Santa Maria di Castello oder die Bastione di Saint Remy spiegeln diese verschiedenen Einflüsse wider. Am Meer weichen die Jugendstil-Bauwerke einem wunderschönen, 8 Kilometer langen Sandstrand, der Poetto genannt wird.
Ankunft 30.04.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 30.04.2025 abends
Umgeben vom kobaltblauen Wasser des Tyrrhenischen Meers, zeichnet sich Trapani, ehemaliger Hafen der griechischen Stadt Erice, durch eine herausragende Lage im Westen Siziliens aus. Entlang der Gassen entdecken Sie ein jahrhundertealtes Kulturerbe, Zeuge des Einflusses zahlreicher Zivilisationen, die diese Erde betreten haben: die Kathedrale San Lorenzo, das Heiligtum Maria Santissima Annunziata, der Triton-Brunnen … Auf den schattigen Terrassen der Restaurants können Sie die am Morgen von den lokalen Fischern mitgebrachten Fisch genießen. Oder Sie entscheiden sich für ein Couscous mit Meeresfrüchten, kulturelles Erbe der arabischen Nachbarn.
Ankunft 01.05.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 01.05.2025 am späten Abend
Palermo ist die Hüterin der sizilianischen Seele. Zahlreich sind diejenigen, die sich in der Hauptstadt der größten der italienischen Inseln haben niederlassen wollen. Phönizier, Karthager, Römer, Byzantiner, Araber, Normannen ... Palermo ist heute ein reiches Zeugnis all dieser kulturellen Einflüsse: maureskische Spuren der Kathedrale und byzantinische Mosaiken der Cappella Palatina, die in den Hauptbau des Normannenpalasts eingebunden ist. Sie erliegen sicherlich auch dem Charme der überall über die Stadt verstreuten Paläste von antiquierter Schönheit, wahre barocke Wunderwerke. Ihr Glück ist perfekt, wenn Sie hinter einer belebten Straße, einen dieser fantastischen Märkte mit den Farben und Düften von unglaublicher Pittoreske entdecken.
Ankunft 02.05.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 02.05.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Von den sieben Äolischen Inseln ist sie die größte und bevölkerungsreichste. Vor der Nordküste Siziliens im Tyrrhenischen Meer gelegen, gehört Lipari zu den Kleinoden des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes. Die Bimssteinbrüche und der Obsidianstrom von Rocce Rosse zeugen von ihrem vulkanischen Ursprung. Der Hauptort, größtes städtisches Zentrum des gesamten Archipels, präsentiert stolz seine Zitadelle und seine Burg , deren Entstehung auf die Antike zurückgeht. Wenn Sie Ihre Besichtigung bis in das Innere des Mauerrings fortsetzen, entdecken Sie eine überraschende normannische Kathedrale, die mit einer wunderschönen barocken Fassade geschmückt ist.
Ankunft 03.05.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 03.05.2025 abends
An der Südspitze des italienischen Stiefels hütet Reggio di Calabria das östliche Ufer der Straße von Messina. Von der Uferpromenade Lungomare aus bieten sich wunderschöne Ausblicke auf das nur etwas über 3 km entfernte Sizilien und den Ätna. Die Stadt wurde nach dem Erdbeben von 1908 schachbrettartig wieder aufgebaut und besticht mit ihrer Jugendstil- und Belle Époque-Architektur. Der Duft von Bergamotte verrät, dass diese Königin der Zitrusfrüchte hier in Konditorwaren und Parfumerie verarbeitet wird. Unerlässlich ist ein Besuch des Archäologie-Museums, eines des bedeutendsten von Italien. Es zeigt die berühmten Bronzestatuen von Riace, wunderschöne griechische Heldenstatuen aus dem 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr., die 1972 unweit der Stadt auf dem Meeresgrund gefunden wurden.
Ankunft 04.05.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 04.05.2025 am späten Abend
Auf halbem Weg zwischen Messina und Syrakus erhebt sich die mächtige Silhouette des Ätnas über die kleine Stadt Catania. Dieser von Rauchwolken umhüllte Riese, Nährvater und Zerstörer zugleich, begrub Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts große Teile der Stadt unter Lavaströmen; sie wurde im spätbarocken Baustil wiederaufgebaut. Aufgrund zahlreicher Bauwerke aus dieser Zeit wurde sie zum UNESCO-Welterbe erklärt. Entdecken Sie die der Heiligen Agathe geweihte Kathedrale mit ihren hohen Apsiden aus Lavagestein und den Elefantenbrunnen, das Wahrzeichen der Stadt, auf ihrem Vorplatz. Es heißt, der Elefant habe die Macht, die Wut des Ätnas zu zügeln …
Ankunft 05.05.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 05.05.2025 abends
Mit den zerklüfteten Felsküsten, den endlosen Stränden, dem Ätna, der bedrohlich wie ein Patriarch über seiner Insel thront, und den blühenden Gärten auf den Hügeln präsentiert Sizilien seine Landschaften wie ein Ladenbesitzer, der seine Schätze feilbietet. Cicero beschrieb sie als die „schönste Stadt der Welt“, einst war Syrakus eine der bedeutendsten Städte Siziliens, die es in ihrer Glanzzeit sogar mit Athen aufnehmen konnte. In der zentralen Stadt des antiken Griechenlands lebten zahlreiche Zivilisationen, von denen jede ihre Spuren hinterließ. Dank der Einflüsse der arabischen, römischen, normannischen, byzantinischen und spanischen Kulturen zeichnet sich Syrakus heute durch eine außergewöhnliche Palette an Düften, Farben und Aromen aus.
Ankunft 06.05.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 06.05.2025 am frühen Nachmittag
Die kleine, nördlich von Malta gelegene Insel Gozo hat sich ihren natürlichen und authentischen Charakter erhalten. Grüne Hügel und Täler wechseln sich mit dem Mosaik bestellter Äcker ab, Gebäude aus honigfarbenem Kalkstein reihen sich harmonisch in die Landschaft ein. Eine einzigartige historische Stätte, die zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO gehört, bereichert die Insel: die Megalith-Tempel von Ggantija und ihr Museum, in dem eine Vielzahl vor Ort gefundener Objekte ausgestellt sind. Rote Sandstrände und ein kristallklares Meer runden die Ruhe und den Charme von Gozo ab.
Ankunft 07.05.2025 nachts
Ausschiffung 07.05.2025 um 07:00
Die vollständig zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe erklärte Hauptstadt Valletta erstreckt sich über eine Halbinsel im Nordwesten von Malta. Vom Tritonbrunnen bis zum Fort St. Elmo biete die Stadt ebenso vielen majestätischen Straßen wie treppenförmig angelegten Gassen. Die farbigen Loggien und die verzierten Erker der hohen Wohngebäude begleiten Sie bei Ihrer Entdeckungstour, die selten von Autos gestört wird. Besichtigen Sie den mit Wappen und Fresken geschmückten Großmeisterpalast. Die St.-Johannes-Kathedrale sowie die seit dem 16. Jh. die Stadt schützenden Wehrmauern gehören auch zu den bedeutendsten Bauwerken der Stadt. Die in Terrassen angelegten Gärten von Barraca verleihen Ihrem Rundgang eine grüne und blühende Note.
From the pier, embark your coach for the 20-minute drive to the prehistoric settlement of Torralba d’en Salord.
This site dates back to the Talaiotic Period, between 1 000 BC and Roman times. The Taula and its enclosures were used for worship and are the most spectacular remains of the island. Excavations and restoration started in 1973 and is a continuing work for the Balearic Islands Foundation, in conjunction with the University of Madrid. The Taula - which means table - was built from two large slabs of rock, one vertical and the other horizontal, magnificently fashioned to form a “T” shape. The enclosures are horseshoe shaped with side columns.
After your guided visit of the megalithic village, you will return to Mahon, where you will start your guided walking tour.
You will start at the main square and walk downhill back to the harbour, through the city centre. The walk through this attractive town will give you a glimpse of the different periods of the islands’ turbulent history, and of the many architectural styles reflecting the frequent changes of rule. The centre offers an interesting mix of narrow streets lined with whitewashed houses, wide open squares and grand historical buildings.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your coach for the 50-minute drive to the old capital of the island, Ciutadella. Founded by the Cartheginians, Ciutadella remained the capital of Menorca until 1772, and it remains the ecclesiastical capital to this day. Ciutadella has a rather grand air with many elegant historical buildings, churches and large squares. The old town is packed with impressive architecture, including a gothic cathedral and several palaces belonging to the noble families, some of which are open to the public.
Upon your arrival, you will be given a guided tour of the historic centre of town before enjoying some free time to wander the streets.
From here, you will head back towards Mahon and, en route, enjoy a photo stop at the beautiful Cala Galdana beach resort, set in a horseshoe-shaped bay surrounded by pine clad cliffs. The drive will take you to the east and the small village of Mercadal in the centre of the island.
You will finally discover the magnificent Fornells Bay. The 45-minute drive back to the port of Mahon will take you through fertile farm land and the market garden area, which is on reclaimed land at the innermost part of the harbour.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Pristine nature, rich cultural heritage, a taste for epicureanism and lounging about: Menorca has it all. You can tell by visiting some of the island’s most beautiful sites, from villages to coves, with their stunning views.
A small corner of heaven in the Balearic Islands, for those who like discretion and relaxation, Menorca also has what it takes for fans of beautiful scenery, well-kept traditions and rural architecture. From Arenal d'en Castell, discover the fortresses of Arenal and Addaia, as well as pretty inlets and bucolic little ports like Cala Tirant with its Caribbean appearance, or the fishing village of Fornells.
From Monte Torro, the highest point on the island, you can discover all Menorca. There, the church, the convent, and a statue of the Virgin all watch over the infinite azure, the pine forests and the jagged shorelines that appear in the distance.
The final port of call of your excursion: Subaida. This family farm, renowned for its delicious cheeses and wines, perfectly embodies the epicurean spirit running through the island. Discover how they make them, then enjoy a tasting of local produce, perhaps the best way of understanding Menorca’s immense charm.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover Sardinia’s fascinating history during this visit of the Nuraghe Palmavera, a 3,500-year-old archaeological site. Then make the most of a panoramic stop on Capo Caccia, offering a spectacular view over the coast, before you explore the fortified old town of Alghero.
Appearing on the island at an indeterminate period, the nuraghi dot the Sardinian landscape, with more than 7,000 examples of these stone towers emerging from prehistoric times. Defensive constructions, places of worship, villages… Dive into the mystery of nuraghe culture as you visit the Nuraghe Palmavera, a fascinating archaeological site dating back 3,500 years, whose remains, and more particularly the Capanna delle Riunioni, continue to give rise to much speculation.
After this immersion in the Bronze Age, set off to explore the north of Alghero. On Capo Caccia, enjoy a stop to admire the breathtaking panoramas of the jagged coast offered by this limestone promontory.
Back in Alghero, you will take a guided tour of the fortified old town, marked by Catalan and Aragonese influences. As you stroll around the small medieval streets, you will discover iconic monuments such as the cathedral or the San Francesco Church, as well as the ramparts and the towers constructed by the Catalan conquerors in the 14th century.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
With its stunning surrounding nature and architectural jewels… You will marvel at Alghero, a warm town with fascinating heritage, referred to as 'Barceloneta' or 'little Barcelona’ because of its Catalan ancestry.
Your adventure will begin with a scenic tour of the area surrounding Alghero. Comfortably ensconced aboard your bus, you will head for Capo Caccia, a rocky promontory with spectacular views over the sea and the region. As you pass by the Nuraghe Palmavera complex, an archaeological site dating back to the Bronze Age, your guide will reveal the secrets of the Nuragic civilisation, which appeared in Sardinia in around the 18th century BC.
Then take the pulse of Alghero as you explore the town centre on foot during a guided tour retracing its Aragonese and Catalan influences. Stroll around the old town, which has remained intact with its medieval towers and ramparts, and admire its historic jewels such as the cathedral and the Palazzo d’Albis. You will be won over by the Spanish atmosphere that reigns here, noticeable in the architecture, the language - closer to Catalan than Italian - and the way of life.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover Cagliari and the archaeological site of Nora, located on a promontory of the Capo di Pula peninsular.
Not just the gateway to Sardinia’s most beautiful coastlines – the Costa Rei, Costa del Sud and Costa Smeralda – Cagliari itself is also well worth a visit. Its rich baroque architecture and its lively districts are reminders of this island’s warm soul, while the Bastione di San Remy, a monumental fort perched on the old town, offers a stunning panorama.
In Nora, a former trading post founded by the Phoenicians, the vestiges of several civilisations offer a wonderful dive into the past. First Carthaginian, then Roman, Nora declined and disappeared around the 8th century. From the old town, you can still see, among many archaeological marvels, Carthaginian warehouses, a Carthaginian-Roman temple, large thermal baths with splendid mosaics and an almost intact theatre, dating from Roman times.
The water-supply system is particularly interesting, with large underwater pipes: their mosaics and very fine tesserae form rich geometric patterns. The sea around Nora still covers the part of the town that sank during an earthquake, but the former piers can still be recognised. After the visit, you will have a snack in a local café.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your coach and start with a short panoramic drive of Cagliari. Your first stop will be made in front of the Basilica of Our Lady of Bonaria. Then you will continue to Monte Urpinu from where you will enjoy a panoramic view over the capital of Sardinia.
Then, you will drive to San Sperate, a 30-minute drive. Situated just near Cagliari, San Sperate is one of the most important Sardinia agricultural centres. As many remains testify, San Sperate has a very ancient history. The famous "Maschera Ghignante" (sneering mask) has been found in 1976, during one of the first archaeological excavations.
In 1967, San Sperate became a Museum-village and it now hosts many works of important Italian and foreign artists, as well as cultural meetings, theatre exhibitions and festivals. The idea of making San Sperate a Museum-village was born in 1966 by Pinuccio Sciola, who painted all the walls in white on the occasion of the Corpus Christi feast and invited several artists to paint their work on the walls of the village.
You will meet your local guide and have a guided visit of the historical centre of the village, where you can admire a large number of "Murales" and sculptures meant to embellish the village. Your walking tour will also include the garden laboratory of the world-famous sculptor Pinuccio Sciola, who promoted the murals at San Sperate and created the sound stones, both an artistic creation and a musical instrument, unique in its kind.
After enjoying a Sardinian snack, you will board your coach and drive to Cagliari, a 30-minute drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover Cagliari, the administrative capital of Sardinia and a historic city whose first traces of civilisation go all the way back to prehistory. You will visit its famous archaeological museum, dating from the 18th century, an essential testament to Sardinian heritage.
Your adventure will begin with a guided panoramic tour of Cagliari. Comfortably ensconced aboard your bus, you will travel to Monte Urpinu, a historic park with superb views over the Molentargius ponds and the city.
You will then take a walking tour of the city centre, discovering the various influences that have shaped Cagliari. Admire the impressive amphitheatre and its auditorium carved in the rock, bearing witness to the mark left by Rome. Marvel at the Torre dell’Elefante and the Torre di San Pancrazio, medieval towers erected by the Pisans in the 13th century, before you discover the city’s walls, ramparts and ornamental buildings, its Aragonese and Spanish heritage.
Then wander around the old Castello district and discover the Cathedral of Santa Maria, an architectural masterpiece harmoniously blending Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque elements. Finally, your walk will lead you to Cagliari’s National Archaeological Museum, home to over 7,000 years of history through its collection of Nuragic bronze statuettes, Phoenician jewels, Byzantine objects as well as a significant collection of Sardinian pieces (fabrics, pottery and jewels).
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will drive by coach to Erice, which is about half an hour away by road. Erice is a superb medieval village perched on a hill with spectacular views over the sea and Trapani.
Although this spot was occupied for millennia, it really developed in 831 with the arrival of the Arabs. In the Middle Ages, it reached its peak under the Normans. Called Monte San Giuliano until 1934, in Antiquity this place was dedicated to Venus and there are still traces of the ancient city walls. You will be stepping back in time to explore on foot this fascinating medieval city, with its fortress and watchtowers.
Erice still has former residences of Trapani’s wealthy families who would decamp here for the summer. Their influence can be seen in the city’s towers and fortifications and the English gardens.
After seeing the sights, you are free to wander around the streets at your leisure.
And finally, you will be given a panoramic tour of the salt flats and Trapani before boarding your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will be taken by coach for the short drive to the town of Trapani, passing the Ligny Tower on the way, before heading to Segesta, an hour’s drive away (with photo stop) via Saline.
Called Egesta by the Greeks and Segesta by the Romans, it was one of the most advanced cities of the ancient Elymian civilisation along with Eryx (Erice) and Entella. The city was probably built between the 5th and 4th century BC, and lies on a wide plateau in a protected position between the two summits of Mount Barbaro. Today it is an important architectural site dating back to the Elmini people who originally came from Anatoly.
You will begin your tour at the Temple of Segesta, a Doric temple built from local limestone on a hill outside the ancient town. Its architecture is typical of the late 5th century. There is evidence to suggest that the temple was not completed, as the columns are unfluted and the substructure still has the bosses or nobs used for transport which should have been removed. You will then visit the theatre which dates back to the middle of the 3rd century and accommodated up to 3,000 spectators. It is on a slope at an altitude of 440 m overlooking the temple.
You will then return to the port at Trapani to board your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover Trapani during a walk led by a guide, discovering the rich cultural heritage of this charming town lulled by the sea spray.
In the historic centre of Trapani, the marine breeze carries the echoes of centuries past. This is reflected in the many emblematic monuments appearing around almost every corner of the cobblestoned little streets, such as the Casina delle Palme, the Palazzo Cavarretta, the Porta Ossuna, the astronomical clock, the Tramontana ramparts and the majestic cathedral.
You will also be able to visit the Church of the Jesuit College and the Church of the Holy Souls in Purgatory, which houses the famous 20 statues of the “Mysteries”. Finally, enjoy a superb panorama over the coastline and fall under the charm of Trapani’s unique atmosphere.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 45 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, embark your coach and start your panoramic drive through the historical centre of Palermo, before reaching the coastal highway which will bring you to the charming fishing village of Cefalù.
Cefalù is a haven of tranquillity, a refuge and a sanctuary of religious inspiration. A city of facets, levels, and epochs. The name, which translated means "head", probably referring to the shape of the hill and huge rock crowned with an ancient castle, rising above the town, was given to the town by the Greeks. Cefalù's origins are surrounded in mystery.
Legend tells that Roger II, the well-known Norman sovereign of Sicily, in gratitude to God for sparing his life in a violent storm at sea, commissioned the building of a Cathedral at Cefalù, where he landed after the tempest.
Its characteristics, as well as its position, so close to the sea, make it something of a fortress from the outside as much as it is a church on the inside. The Cathedral was begun on a site in which Roman buildings had already existed. However, after unforeseen circumstances, and changes in construction plans, the original building was never finished. The remains of this building project are three roofs which testify to past ages and building techniques. Inside the cathedral, you will see the paintings and gold Byzantine mosaics the Cathedral is known for.
Continue your walking tour with a photo-stop at the medieval wash-house and the Osterio Magno. Per the tradition, it was built by Roger II as his mansion, but it probably dates from the 14th century. Traces of the medieval tower and decoration can be seen. Excavations held in the interior have showed the presence of ancient edifices and ceramics.
Before returning to the ship, a refreshment will be served and you will have some free time to explore Cefalù on your own and browse the quaint boutiques.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Dive into the fascinating history of Palermo and Monreale, two emblematic Sicilian towns, and explore their unique cultural, religious and artistic heritage.
The adventure will begin in Palermo. Aboard your bus, you will discover its pretty and lively streets as well as its architecture, which lies at the crossroads of Byzantine, Arab and Normand influences, bearing witness to its multicultural past. You will visit the famous Palatine Chapel, a 12th-century masterpiece, located in the Norman Palace, today seat of the Sicilian Regional Assembly. Its golden mosaics, its ornamental candelabra and its finely sculpted ceiling perfectly illustrate the Arab-Norman style that is so emblematic of Sicily.
You will then leave for Monreale, 8 kilometres (5 miles) from Palermo, to discover its cathedral, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Completed in 1174 by William the Good, it is considered to be the most beautiful Norman church in Italy. While the austere exterior is reminiscent of a fortress, the interior reveals splendid Byzantine mosaics, coloured marble and granite columns. You will then explore the cloister of the former Benedictine Monastery, where a majestic arcade supported by 216 decorated columns surrounds the courtyard. To finish your escapade, you will be able to visit Monreale by yourself.
• We recommend wearing comfortable shoes and to cover your shoulders and knees when visiting the religious sites. This excursion, which includes steps and is on foot, is not recommended for persons with reduced mobility or in a wheelchair.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Enjoy an escapade in the heart of authentic Palermo, to discover its bustling traditional market and its emblematic religious sites.
Your visit will begin with a panoramic bus tour of the city centre. The treasures of this Sicilian city will appear before your very eyes: the Palazzo dei Normanni, a relic marked by several civilisations; the cathedral built by the Anglo-Norman archbishop of Palermo in the 12th century; Porta Felice; Corso Vittorio Emanuele; Piazza Marina; the Garibaldi Gardens, and much more.
You will then stop off at the Al Capo market, a vibrant spot in Palermo where the lively atmosphere will immerse you in a whirlwind of colours, smells and flavours. Take time to browse the stalls in search of delicious produce, before continuing your discovery with a visit to St. Catherine's Church. Built between 1566 and 1596, this church stands out for its unique architecture blending different styles and periods, making it one of the richest in Palermo. You will also have the opportunity to explore the adjacent convent, discover the cells where the nuns once lived and, weather permitting, go up to the building's terrace for a spectacular view of the city.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 100 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Set off to discover the natural treasures of Lipari with a visit of the island by coach, followed by an immersion into its history and heritage.
Your adventure will begin with a 90-minute coach tour of the island, during which your guide will help you discover the famous pumice stone and obsidian quarries, the sources of Lipari’s wealth. Throughout your journey, you will be able to admire very beautiful panoramas over the Aeolian Islands.
You will then continue on foot towards the castle district, where you will visit the remarkable San Bartolomeo Cathedral, before discovering the Aeolian Archaeological Museum of Lipari. This museum has five sections (prehistoric, classic, epigraphic, minor islands and volcanological), housing a vast collection of precious artifacts discovered in the islands since 1946.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, begin your tour with a walk through the town of Lipari, main city of the Aeolian Islands. The pastel-coloured houses of this little port contrast with the rugged and typically Mediterranean landscape that can be seen in the rest of the island.
A one-and-fifteen-hour scenic drive will give you the opportunity to discover this volcanic island and enjoy some stunning panoramas, including the Quattrocchi viewpoint, where you will admire the volcanic peaks of Jacopo and Perciato, against a backdrop of Vulcano Island, one of the most iconic island of the Aeolian archipelago.
In a local pizzeria, the owner will show you how to make this world famous national dish and give you the chance to realise your own pizza and personalise it with your favourite ingredients. Finally, you will taste your tailor-made pizza, accompanied with some wine and other Aeolian delicacies.
After the tasting, you will re-embark your coach for the drive back to the pier.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 100 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Lipari is the biggest and most populated of the Aeolian Islands. Famous since olden times for its obsidian quarries, Lipari is linked to Sicily by very regular ferry and hydroplane services. The town and port are dominated by a citadel, testimony to the archipelago’s strategic importance in the past.
From the ship, you will disembark by tender in Marina Corta pier, where you will meet your guide and board the private motorboat.
You will start your sail with beautiful scenery, passing first by the Lipari coast, and then proceeding on the west coast of Vulcano to see the Faraglioni, the Grotta del Cavallo, the Spiaggia di Ponente and Vulcanello.
You will then arrive on Vulcano Island where you will discover its impressive plateau. The vastest of the Aeolian Islands, formed by lava, banks of tuff and quaternary deposits; it is furrowed by deep valleys and surrounded by hills that descend towards the sea. On the highest slopes of the island, the panorama is picturesque and wild. There used to be three craters, one of which, as a result of erosion by the sea, presents an interesting cross-section of a volcanic cone, with lava flows and stratifications of pyroclastic material.
Upon your arrival in Vulcano, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a short visit of the village and stroll through town on your own to buy some souvenirs.
During your boat trip back to the pier, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy a swim, jumping in the sea directly from the boat.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 125 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your coach for a 1-hour scenic drive to Pizzo Calabro. This medieval town and fishing centre is known for the production of ice cream. Starting from the Piazzetta, you will continue the tour in the town centre until the Aragonese Castle (outside visit only), where Gioacchino Murat was executed. Finally, you will visit the Church of San Giorgio where Murat is buried.
You will visit one of the workshops of a historic ice cream shop where they produce the “Truffle” of Pizzo, a famous ice cream labelled “Protected geographical indication” for its sweetness and genuineness.
After enjoying tasting of tartufo and some free time for shopping, you will rejoin you ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Reggio Calabria is located on the tip of the Italian Peninsula and is separated from the island of Sicily by the Strait of Messina. It is situated on the slopes of the Aspromonte, a long, craggy mountain range that runs up through the centre of the region.
From the pier, you will board your coach and drive to one of the most important archaeological museums, the prestigious National Archaeological Museum of Magna Græcia, dedicated to Ancient Greece. You will have the possibility to visit the famous Bronzes of Riace, rare example of Greek bronze sculpture, which became one of the symbols of the city. The two statues – discovered on August 1972 near Riace – are considered among the most important sculptural masterpieces of Greek art.
Then, you will proceed to Scilla. Scilla is a village of ancient origins known since the days of Homer, who described it in his Odyssey as the home of Scylla, a nymph turned into a sea monster by the sorceress Circe.
The Ruffo Castle, completely turned towards the Strait of Messina, the uncontaminated beaches, the sea and the charming neighbourhood of Chianalea, the ancient fishing village, make Scilla one of the most sought-after tourist destinations of Calabria. Chianalea has earned the nickname of “little Venice” for houses built directly on the rocks, separated from each other by small streets that overlook the sea, particularity that also allowed the village to be counted among the most beautiful villages of Italy. Along the streets of the village you can see ancient fountains, churches and palaces.
After enjoying a visit of the castle and the village, you will taste a delicious refreshment of local products in a beautiful location with a view before returning to the pier, a 30-minute drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Dive into the history and production secrets of the bergamot, so symbolic and representative of Reggio Calabria, during your visit of the museum that gives pride of place to this emblematic citrus fruit.
It is known as “Calabrian gold”. Sometimes it is reminiscent of lemon; however, its aroma is much more powerful. Beneath Italian sunshine, its sun-drenched zests release a fragrance of citrus and flowers. Carefully picked, this orange pearl brings life to lands bathed in light, capturing the very essence of the dolce vita. Land from which, following a panoramic tour of the city and a promenade on the seafront, you will embark upon an exciting journey through the history, culture and traditions connected to this emblematic fruit, in the museum dedicated to it. Find out all the secrets of its production and fall under the spell of its aromas during on a tasting on site.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 105 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
To discover its lush mountains and its unrivalled flora and fauna, succumb to the temptation of an enchanting adventure at the heart of the Gambarie d’Aspromonte forest.
After reaching the charming village of Gambarie d’Aspromonte, perched at an altitude of 1,350 metres (4,430 feet), you will get ready to follow the hiking trail that runs through this unique environment. As you walk for a few kilometres, immerse yourself in luxuriant nature guarded by majestic oaks and ancient beech trees forming a natural arch through which filter rays of sunlight that illuminate the carpet of wild flowers covering the ground. Here, the murmur of the waterfalls tells legendary stories and the ballet of brightly-coloured butterflies flitting around the ferns and orchids is captivating. You will continue this unique hike until reaching Bosco degli Artisti, before making your way to a stunning lookout to enjoy a panoramic view of the Gambarie forest.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 140 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will be transferred by coach to the ancient Greek town of Taormina, a one-hour drive.
Called Tauromenium in ancient times, Taormina clings to the side of Mount Tauro and offers superb views, splashed with the vibrant colours of bougainvillea and oleanders, of the Mediterranean Sea, Isola Bella and a snow-capped Etna in the background.
A maze of narrow streets, stairs and tiny squares, Taormina has attracted many civilisations over the centuries. It is home to theatres and a gymnasium from the Greek period, an Odeon and baths from Roman times, buildings blending Arab and Norman cultures, traces of Byzantine, and villas belonging to European aristocracy in the 18th and 19th centuries.
You start your excursion with a visit on foot to the historic centre. You will cross the famous Corso Umberto to discover numerous monuments from several eras, and admire Porta Catania, the Cathedral, Piazza IX Aprile and Palazzo Corvaja.
You then arrive at Teatro Antico, a theatre built by the Greeks in the 3rd century BC, and almost completely rebuilt by the Romans who created a gladiatorial arena. The theatre is the second largest in Sicily after the one in Syracuse. Due to its size and acoustic quality the theatre is still used to host festivals and concerts. Seated on the stone terraces, the audience can enjoy the concert while admiring a breath-taking panoramic view of the sea, Mount Tauro and Etna.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will board your coach and start your 1-hour and 15 minutes panoramic drive to Acireale.
You will drive along the Ionian Sea on the famous “Cyclops Riviera” with the “Faraglioni” rocks and pass by the village of Aci Castello with its Norman Castle of black lava, and the small fishing village of Aci Trezza.
After a brief photo stop and a local granita tasting, you will return towards Catania and enjoy a short sightseeing tour of the city centre: Piazza Verga, Via Etnea, Villa Bellini, Piazza Stesicoro.
Stop near the Cathedral square and start the walking tour of the city centre: Piazza del Duomo, the central square with the elephant’s fountain and the Cathedral (outside visit) originally built by the Normans with its finely made choir stalls.
Following your short walking tour, you will enjoy some free time to browse the shops at your leisure before re-boarding your coach for the return drive to the pier.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Set off to discover the natural treasures of Sicily, between the spectacular landscapes of Etna and a visit of one of the region’s emblematic vineyards.
After driving through the town of Catania by bus, you will arrive at Etna. Rising more than 3,296 metres (10,800 feet) high, Europe’s largest active volcano and its slopes, covered with many cones and craters, appear.
At the Silvestri crater, the Etna landscape reveals itself in all its glory, with its spectacular colours and the impressive remnants of lava streams. You will also be able to contemplate the Gulf of Catania and admire the surrounding woods and vineyards.
You will continue your adventure with a visit of the Gambino Winery, property of the Raciti Gambino family. Located on Etna’s northern foothills, around 800 metres (2,600 feet) high, this estate spreads over sun-drenched terraces, offering a stunning panorama. The soil here is exceptionally fertile thanks to the volcanic eruptions of the past. On arrival, you will visit the vineyard and the winery before tasting some local wines and regional specialities.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 170 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Depart the pier by coach and drive to the archaeological area, which you will reach after a short drive.
Visit the Roman Amphitheatre of Augustus, used for fights between gladiators and wild beasts, the Altar of Hieron, constructed in the 2nd century BC to celebrate the "Eleutherian Feast", the Latomie of Paradise, huge caverns once used as prisons, the Ear of Dionysius, an enormous grotto with extraordinary echo and the Greek Theatre, one of the largest in the Hellenic World, constructed in the 5th century BC and successively enlarged.
Upon completion of the visit, re-board your coach for the short drive to Ortygia, which you will visit on foot. On Ortygia Island discover the Piazza Pancali (the ruins of the Temple of Apollo of the 6th century BC), Corso Matteotti, Archimede's Place, Piazza Duomo. Visit the Cathedral in Baroque style, erected over the remains of the Doric Temple of Minerva: in the interiors, see the undamaged twelve Doric columns. Then visit the fountain of Arethusa, the nymph praised by Pindar and Virgilio in one of the most touching and fine myths. Several nobility palaces - majority of them originating in the 15th and 16th centuries - will be seen from outside during the walking tour.
Then, return to the port and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Depart by coach from the port through the countryside, passing through villages and almond groves as you make your way to Noto, the second largest town in Syracuse province and the best example of Sicilian Baroque architecture on the island.
You will cross on foot the Public Gardens, where it is possible to admire the busts of the artists who contributed to Noto’s urban culture and style.
Besides the 18th century Cathedral, restored after damage suffered during 1990 earthquake, other impressive buildings are the Churches of St Domenico and of St Charles (del Colleggio), the “Ducezio” Palace and “Villadorata” Palace.
Noto has been declared a Heritage site by UNESCO, who also provides financial support for the reconstruction of monuments destroyed during 1990 earthquake.
A refreshment will be offered at a local bar and then you will enjoy some free time to browse around before commencing the return drive to Syracuse.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will meet with your guide and start your walking tour through the Old Town of Syracusa, whose narrow streets are lined by old, Baroque-style houses with charming balconies. You will enjoy a photo stop at the Cathedral Square where the Baroque-style Cathedral can be seen (outside visit only), erected over the remains of the Doric Temple of Minerva.
You will continue your walking tour through the narrow streets in the heart of the historic center towards the artisan workshop of Daniel Mauceri, a famous pupeteer. Daniel, together with his family, carries-on the ancient tradition of the Opera dei Pupi.
In 2021 Daniel Mauceri was selected by the Michelangelo Foundation to be included in the Homo Faber Guide, which contains the best international artisan excellence. His private collection represents the fruit of years of hard work by the Vaccaro Mauceri family. Upon your arrival, Daniel will explains all the processing stages for the creation of a Sicilian puppet and will show you how to move it during a show.
Finally, you will walk back to your ship.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 100 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Behind the fortifications of the island of Ortygia, old Syracuse spreads out in winding streets, creeping between ancient ruins and baroque beauties. Walking here is like a daydream, punctuated by the gentle lapping of the nearby sea, which licks at the thousand-year-old stones.
Founded by the Greeks in 734 BC, Syracuse was one of the most grandiose cities in the Mediterranean for a long time. Successive conquests — Roman, Byzantine, North African, Norman, etc. — left many traces on the city, permeating everything from the architecture to the art, via the cuisine. It is surely this entanglement of civilisations that gives Ortygia, the historic heart of the city, this particular appearance, with omnipresent myths.
Experience it for yourself in the bustling Piazza Pancali, where the dance of the café waiters and the cars soon make way for the sublime ruins of the Temple of Apollo, emerging calm and unalterable from the 6th century BC.
Following the Corso Matteotti shopping street, you will come out on the Piazza Archimède and its famous Fountain of Diana. Further on, the streets are embellished with small churches and graceful palazzos right up to the Piazza Duomo and its spectacular cathedral. This is built on the ruins of a Greek temple devoted to the goddess Athena and it is still possible to admire its 12 perfectly preserved doric columns inside, as well as a precious picture by painter Antonello da Messina.
The wonder will continue as you find yourself face to face with the Fountain of Arethusa. In Greek mythology, the nymph Arethusa was changed into an underground spring by the goddess Diana. This freshwater spring, which surfaces only ten metres away from the Adriatic Sea, inspired Cicero, Pindar, Virgil and many other big names.
Your discovery of Ortygia will finish with one of Sicily’s most pleasant aspects: its cuisine. Stop in a café and taste some of the region’s most famous dishes.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your coach for a short drive to Xaghra.
Upon arrival, you will visit Ggantija Temples "the Giant's Tower". Built before the famous standing stones at Stonehenge, Ggantija Temples is composed of two temples. A listed UNESCO World Heritage Site, the site was built between 3600 and 3200 B.C. The name Ggantija is derived from the word "ggant", Maltese for giant, as Gozitans used to believe the temples were built by a race of giants. Some of these megaliths exceed five metres in length and weigh over fifty tons. Hard-wearing coralline limestone was used for the construction of the outer walls (which is one of the reasons the buildings have survived so long), whilst softer, smoother, Globigerina limestone was reserved for inner furnishings such as doorways, altars, and decorative slabs. Each temple consists of a number of apses flanking a central corridor as well as a large terrace at the front which would probably have been used for ceremonial gatherings.
Reboard your coach for the short drive to Dwejra, where you can enjoy a photo stop and see the inland sea and Fungus Rock.
Then, you will head off to Victoria, Gozo's capital. The name Victoria was given to the town in 1887 in honour of the famous British Queen's Golden Jubilee. At the same time, the town was officially raised to city-status, becoming known as Citta'ir-Rabat (Victoria). There are many places of historical and cultural interest in Victoria; its towering fortifications afford panoramic views over the whole Island and within the Citadel are many of the main historical sites of ir-Rabat (Victoria).
Upon arrival, you will visit St. George's Basilica, located in the heart of Victoria, Gozo. The parish was set up in medieval times, while the foundation stones of St. George's Basilica were laid in 1672. The basilica is entirely covered with marble, while the canopy over the high altar is gilded in bronze and gold. However, the most fascinating work of art is a statue of St. George, sculpted in wood by Pawlu Azzopardi in 1838. All paintings in the dome and ceiling were done by Giovanni Battista Conti.
Finally, you will visit the Gozo Museum of Archaeology. The museum illustrates the cultural history of Gozo from prehistoric times to the early modern period. It relies on themes like burial, religion, art, food and daily life, making use of material from various archaeological sites in Gozo.
You will then return to the pier.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the picturesque Mgarr Harbour, set off on a scenic drive to one of the Maltese Islands’ most extraordinary archaeological treasures—the Ggantija Temples. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, these remarkably well-preserved temples date back to 3600–3200 B.C., predating both Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. As you enter through the modern Interpretation Center, discover the secrets of this ancient civilization before following an external pathway that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
Next, embrace the authentic charm of Gozo with a visit to Fontana Cottage, where the island’s rich culinary traditions come to life. Here, in the warmth of a traditional Gozitan home, experience a true taste of the region. Savor local wines, enjoy the unmistakable crunch of crusty Maltese bread, and indulge in an array of artisanal delicacies, each infused with history and passed down through generations.
After this sensory journey, return to Mgarr Harbour, where your tender awaits to take you back to your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Savoir vivre inklusive
Französische Lebenskunst (oder eine entspannte, internationale Atmosphäre an Bord der Paul Gauguin), aufmerksamer Service, feinste Gourmetküche, Freizeitangebote, Spa: Unsere Kreuzfahrten schenken wertvolle Momente voller Ruhe und Entspannung, Abenteuer und Entdeckung. Und mit unserer Vielzahl an bereits inkludierten Leistungen wird aus Ihrer Zeit an Bord eine richtige Auszeit vom Alltag.
An Bord Ihres Schiffes bieten Ihnen ausgewählte Lektoren kulturelle und historische Einblicke, damit Sie noch mehr über Ihr Reiseziel erfahren können: den Ursprung der lokalen Traditionen, die Geschichte symbolischer Orte, berühmte Persönlichkeiten und historische Helden... Die Experten begleiten Sie während der gesamten Kreuzfahrt, an Bord und bei den Ausflügen an Land, um ihr Know-how und ihre Einsichten mit Ihnen zu teilen.
Unsere Zusatzleistungen
Enhance your cruise and extend your trip with a carefully designed programme.
Day 1 - Barcelona
Meet at the airport arrival hall. Look for PONANT sign. You will be greeted by our local English-speaking representative off the flight selected by PONANT.
You will be transferred to the hotel Me Barcelona 5*.
Check-in in your room.
The rest of the day is at leisure. Dinner is on your own.
Day 2 - Barcelona
Morning at leisure and check-out.
You will be directly transferred to the local restaurant where lunch will be served.
Then you will reach Sant Pau, a hidden gem often overshadowed by its illustrious neighbor. This UNESCO world heritage site, once a bustling hospital, is a kaleidoscope of Art Nouveau splendor. Step inside and be transported to a world of light and color. Wander through the interconnected pavilions, each boasting unique architectural details: ceramic murals, stained-glass windows, and whimsical wrought ironwork. Immerse yourself in the story of this innovative healthcare complex, a testament to both artistic vision and social progress.
After the visit, you will be driven to the Cruise Terminal to embark on board your ship.
Your hotel:
Situated in the centre of Barcelona, alongside the Passeig de Gràcia, the hotel Me Barcelona occupies an ideal location close to one of the busiest shopping areas and some of the most prestigious restaurants. The modern, urban rooms have their own very special personality. The hotel's elegant rooftop terrace offers views over the city, a sun deck and a swimming pool.
Upgraded rooms are also available depending on availability and on a supplement basis. Contact your travel professional for further detail.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note:
Contact of your hotel:
c/ Casp 1-13
08010 Barcelona, Spain
Telephone: + 34 93 277 94 18
Duration and order of the visits may vary. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 490 €
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.
From the pier, embark your coach for the 20-minute drive to the prehistoric settlement of Torralba d’en Salord.
This site dates back to the Talaiotic Period, between 1 000 BC and Roman times. The Taula and its enclosures were used for worship and are the most spectacular remains of the island. Excavations and restoration started in 1973 and is a continuing work for the Balearic Islands Foundation, in conjunction with the University of Madrid. The Taula - which means table - was built from two large slabs of rock, one vertical and the other horizontal, magnificently fashioned to form a “T” shape. The enclosures are horseshoe shaped with side columns.
After your guided visit of the megalithic village, you will return to Mahon, where you will start your guided walking tour.
You will start at the main square and walk downhill back to the harbour, through the city centre. The walk through this attractive town will give you a glimpse of the different periods of the islands’ turbulent history, and of the many architectural styles reflecting the frequent changes of rule. The centre offers an interesting mix of narrow streets lined with whitewashed houses, wide open squares and grand historical buildings.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your coach for the 50-minute drive to the old capital of the island, Ciutadella. Founded by the Cartheginians, Ciutadella remained the capital of Menorca until 1772, and it remains the ecclesiastical capital to this day. Ciutadella has a rather grand air with many elegant historical buildings, churches and large squares. The old town is packed with impressive architecture, including a gothic cathedral and several palaces belonging to the noble families, some of which are open to the public.
Upon your arrival, you will be given a guided tour of the historic centre of town before enjoying some free time to wander the streets.
From here, you will head back towards Mahon and, en route, enjoy a photo stop at the beautiful Cala Galdana beach resort, set in a horseshoe-shaped bay surrounded by pine clad cliffs. The drive will take you to the east and the small village of Mercadal in the centre of the island.
You will finally discover the magnificent Fornells Bay. The 45-minute drive back to the port of Mahon will take you through fertile farm land and the market garden area, which is on reclaimed land at the innermost part of the harbour.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Pristine nature, rich cultural heritage, a taste for epicureanism and lounging about: Menorca has it all. You can tell by visiting some of the island’s most beautiful sites, from villages to coves, with their stunning views.
A small corner of heaven in the Balearic Islands, for those who like discretion and relaxation, Menorca also has what it takes for fans of beautiful scenery, well-kept traditions and rural architecture. From Arenal d'en Castell, discover the fortresses of Arenal and Addaia, as well as pretty inlets and bucolic little ports like Cala Tirant with its Caribbean appearance, or the fishing village of Fornells.
From Monte Torro, the highest point on the island, you can discover all Menorca. There, the church, the convent, and a statue of the Virgin all watch over the infinite azure, the pine forests and the jagged shorelines that appear in the distance.
The final port of call of your excursion: Subaida. This family farm, renowned for its delicious cheeses and wines, perfectly embodies the epicurean spirit running through the island. Discover how they make them, then enjoy a tasting of local produce, perhaps the best way of understanding Menorca’s immense charm.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover Sardinia’s fascinating history during this visit of the Nuraghe Palmavera, a 3,500-year-old archaeological site. Then make the most of a panoramic stop on Capo Caccia, offering a spectacular view over the coast, before you explore the fortified old town of Alghero.
Appearing on the island at an indeterminate period, the nuraghi dot the Sardinian landscape, with more than 7,000 examples of these stone towers emerging from prehistoric times. Defensive constructions, places of worship, villages… Dive into the mystery of nuraghe culture as you visit the Nuraghe Palmavera, a fascinating archaeological site dating back 3,500 years, whose remains, and more particularly the Capanna delle Riunioni, continue to give rise to much speculation.
After this immersion in the Bronze Age, set off to explore the north of Alghero. On Capo Caccia, enjoy a stop to admire the breathtaking panoramas of the jagged coast offered by this limestone promontory.
Back in Alghero, you will take a guided tour of the fortified old town, marked by Catalan and Aragonese influences. As you stroll around the small medieval streets, you will discover iconic monuments such as the cathedral or the San Francesco Church, as well as the ramparts and the towers constructed by the Catalan conquerors in the 14th century.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
With its stunning surrounding nature and architectural jewels… You will marvel at Alghero, a warm town with fascinating heritage, referred to as 'Barceloneta' or 'little Barcelona’ because of its Catalan ancestry.
Your adventure will begin with a scenic tour of the area surrounding Alghero. Comfortably ensconced aboard your bus, you will head for Capo Caccia, a rocky promontory with spectacular views over the sea and the region. As you pass by the Nuraghe Palmavera complex, an archaeological site dating back to the Bronze Age, your guide will reveal the secrets of the Nuragic civilisation, which appeared in Sardinia in around the 18th century BC.
Then take the pulse of Alghero as you explore the town centre on foot during a guided tour retracing its Aragonese and Catalan influences. Stroll around the old town, which has remained intact with its medieval towers and ramparts, and admire its historic jewels such as the cathedral and the Palazzo d’Albis. You will be won over by the Spanish atmosphere that reigns here, noticeable in the architecture, the language - closer to Catalan than Italian - and the way of life.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover Cagliari and the archaeological site of Nora, located on a promontory of the Capo di Pula peninsular.
Not just the gateway to Sardinia’s most beautiful coastlines – the Costa Rei, Costa del Sud and Costa Smeralda – Cagliari itself is also well worth a visit. Its rich baroque architecture and its lively districts are reminders of this island’s warm soul, while the Bastione di San Remy, a monumental fort perched on the old town, offers a stunning panorama.
In Nora, a former trading post founded by the Phoenicians, the vestiges of several civilisations offer a wonderful dive into the past. First Carthaginian, then Roman, Nora declined and disappeared around the 8th century. From the old town, you can still see, among many archaeological marvels, Carthaginian warehouses, a Carthaginian-Roman temple, large thermal baths with splendid mosaics and an almost intact theatre, dating from Roman times.
The water-supply system is particularly interesting, with large underwater pipes: their mosaics and very fine tesserae form rich geometric patterns. The sea around Nora still covers the part of the town that sank during an earthquake, but the former piers can still be recognised. After the visit, you will have a snack in a local café.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your coach and start with a short panoramic drive of Cagliari. Your first stop will be made in front of the Basilica of Our Lady of Bonaria. Then you will continue to Monte Urpinu from where you will enjoy a panoramic view over the capital of Sardinia.
Then, you will drive to San Sperate, a 30-minute drive. Situated just near Cagliari, San Sperate is one of the most important Sardinia agricultural centres. As many remains testify, San Sperate has a very ancient history. The famous "Maschera Ghignante" (sneering mask) has been found in 1976, during one of the first archaeological excavations.
In 1967, San Sperate became a Museum-village and it now hosts many works of important Italian and foreign artists, as well as cultural meetings, theatre exhibitions and festivals. The idea of making San Sperate a Museum-village was born in 1966 by Pinuccio Sciola, who painted all the walls in white on the occasion of the Corpus Christi feast and invited several artists to paint their work on the walls of the village.
You will meet your local guide and have a guided visit of the historical centre of the village, where you can admire a large number of "Murales" and sculptures meant to embellish the village. Your walking tour will also include the garden laboratory of the world-famous sculptor Pinuccio Sciola, who promoted the murals at San Sperate and created the sound stones, both an artistic creation and a musical instrument, unique in its kind.
After enjoying a Sardinian snack, you will board your coach and drive to Cagliari, a 30-minute drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover Cagliari, the administrative capital of Sardinia and a historic city whose first traces of civilisation go all the way back to prehistory. You will visit its famous archaeological museum, dating from the 18th century, an essential testament to Sardinian heritage.
Your adventure will begin with a guided panoramic tour of Cagliari. Comfortably ensconced aboard your bus, you will travel to Monte Urpinu, a historic park with superb views over the Molentargius ponds and the city.
You will then take a walking tour of the city centre, discovering the various influences that have shaped Cagliari. Admire the impressive amphitheatre and its auditorium carved in the rock, bearing witness to the mark left by Rome. Marvel at the Torre dell’Elefante and the Torre di San Pancrazio, medieval towers erected by the Pisans in the 13th century, before you discover the city’s walls, ramparts and ornamental buildings, its Aragonese and Spanish heritage.
Then wander around the old Castello district and discover the Cathedral of Santa Maria, an architectural masterpiece harmoniously blending Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque elements. Finally, your walk will lead you to Cagliari’s National Archaeological Museum, home to over 7,000 years of history through its collection of Nuragic bronze statuettes, Phoenician jewels, Byzantine objects as well as a significant collection of Sardinian pieces (fabrics, pottery and jewels).
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will drive by coach to Erice, which is about half an hour away by road. Erice is a superb medieval village perched on a hill with spectacular views over the sea and Trapani.
Although this spot was occupied for millennia, it really developed in 831 with the arrival of the Arabs. In the Middle Ages, it reached its peak under the Normans. Called Monte San Giuliano until 1934, in Antiquity this place was dedicated to Venus and there are still traces of the ancient city walls. You will be stepping back in time to explore on foot this fascinating medieval city, with its fortress and watchtowers.
Erice still has former residences of Trapani’s wealthy families who would decamp here for the summer. Their influence can be seen in the city’s towers and fortifications and the English gardens.
After seeing the sights, you are free to wander around the streets at your leisure.
And finally, you will be given a panoramic tour of the salt flats and Trapani before boarding your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will be taken by coach for the short drive to the town of Trapani, passing the Ligny Tower on the way, before heading to Segesta, an hour’s drive away (with photo stop) via Saline.
Called Egesta by the Greeks and Segesta by the Romans, it was one of the most advanced cities of the ancient Elymian civilisation along with Eryx (Erice) and Entella. The city was probably built between the 5th and 4th century BC, and lies on a wide plateau in a protected position between the two summits of Mount Barbaro. Today it is an important architectural site dating back to the Elmini people who originally came from Anatoly.
You will begin your tour at the Temple of Segesta, a Doric temple built from local limestone on a hill outside the ancient town. Its architecture is typical of the late 5th century. There is evidence to suggest that the temple was not completed, as the columns are unfluted and the substructure still has the bosses or nobs used for transport which should have been removed. You will then visit the theatre which dates back to the middle of the 3rd century and accommodated up to 3,000 spectators. It is on a slope at an altitude of 440 m overlooking the temple.
You will then return to the port at Trapani to board your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover Trapani during a walk led by a guide, discovering the rich cultural heritage of this charming town lulled by the sea spray.
In the historic centre of Trapani, the marine breeze carries the echoes of centuries past. This is reflected in the many emblematic monuments appearing around almost every corner of the cobblestoned little streets, such as the Casina delle Palme, the Palazzo Cavarretta, the Porta Ossuna, the astronomical clock, the Tramontana ramparts and the majestic cathedral.
You will also be able to visit the Church of the Jesuit College and the Church of the Holy Souls in Purgatory, which houses the famous 20 statues of the “Mysteries”. Finally, enjoy a superb panorama over the coastline and fall under the charm of Trapani’s unique atmosphere.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 45 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, embark your coach and start your panoramic drive through the historical centre of Palermo, before reaching the coastal highway which will bring you to the charming fishing village of Cefalù.
Cefalù is a haven of tranquillity, a refuge and a sanctuary of religious inspiration. A city of facets, levels, and epochs. The name, which translated means "head", probably referring to the shape of the hill and huge rock crowned with an ancient castle, rising above the town, was given to the town by the Greeks. Cefalù's origins are surrounded in mystery.
Legend tells that Roger II, the well-known Norman sovereign of Sicily, in gratitude to God for sparing his life in a violent storm at sea, commissioned the building of a Cathedral at Cefalù, where he landed after the tempest.
Its characteristics, as well as its position, so close to the sea, make it something of a fortress from the outside as much as it is a church on the inside. The Cathedral was begun on a site in which Roman buildings had already existed. However, after unforeseen circumstances, and changes in construction plans, the original building was never finished. The remains of this building project are three roofs which testify to past ages and building techniques. Inside the cathedral, you will see the paintings and gold Byzantine mosaics the Cathedral is known for.
Continue your walking tour with a photo-stop at the medieval wash-house and the Osterio Magno. Per the tradition, it was built by Roger II as his mansion, but it probably dates from the 14th century. Traces of the medieval tower and decoration can be seen. Excavations held in the interior have showed the presence of ancient edifices and ceramics.
Before returning to the ship, a refreshment will be served and you will have some free time to explore Cefalù on your own and browse the quaint boutiques.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Dive into the fascinating history of Palermo and Monreale, two emblematic Sicilian towns, and explore their unique cultural, religious and artistic heritage.
The adventure will begin in Palermo. Aboard your bus, you will discover its pretty and lively streets as well as its architecture, which lies at the crossroads of Byzantine, Arab and Normand influences, bearing witness to its multicultural past. You will visit the famous Palatine Chapel, a 12th-century masterpiece, located in the Norman Palace, today seat of the Sicilian Regional Assembly. Its golden mosaics, its ornamental candelabra and its finely sculpted ceiling perfectly illustrate the Arab-Norman style that is so emblematic of Sicily.
You will then leave for Monreale, 8 kilometres (5 miles) from Palermo, to discover its cathedral, part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Completed in 1174 by William the Good, it is considered to be the most beautiful Norman church in Italy. While the austere exterior is reminiscent of a fortress, the interior reveals splendid Byzantine mosaics, coloured marble and granite columns. You will then explore the cloister of the former Benedictine Monastery, where a majestic arcade supported by 216 decorated columns surrounds the courtyard. To finish your escapade, you will be able to visit Monreale by yourself.
• We recommend wearing comfortable shoes and to cover your shoulders and knees when visiting the religious sites. This excursion, which includes steps and is on foot, is not recommended for persons with reduced mobility or in a wheelchair.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Enjoy an escapade in the heart of authentic Palermo, to discover its bustling traditional market and its emblematic religious sites.
Your visit will begin with a panoramic bus tour of the city centre. The treasures of this Sicilian city will appear before your very eyes: the Palazzo dei Normanni, a relic marked by several civilisations; the cathedral built by the Anglo-Norman archbishop of Palermo in the 12th century; Porta Felice; Corso Vittorio Emanuele; Piazza Marina; the Garibaldi Gardens, and much more.
You will then stop off at the Al Capo market, a vibrant spot in Palermo where the lively atmosphere will immerse you in a whirlwind of colours, smells and flavours. Take time to browse the stalls in search of delicious produce, before continuing your discovery with a visit to St. Catherine's Church. Built between 1566 and 1596, this church stands out for its unique architecture blending different styles and periods, making it one of the richest in Palermo. You will also have the opportunity to explore the adjacent convent, discover the cells where the nuns once lived and, weather permitting, go up to the building's terrace for a spectacular view of the city.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 100 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Set off to discover the natural treasures of Lipari with a visit of the island by coach, followed by an immersion into its history and heritage.
Your adventure will begin with a 90-minute coach tour of the island, during which your guide will help you discover the famous pumice stone and obsidian quarries, the sources of Lipari’s wealth. Throughout your journey, you will be able to admire very beautiful panoramas over the Aeolian Islands.
You will then continue on foot towards the castle district, where you will visit the remarkable San Bartolomeo Cathedral, before discovering the Aeolian Archaeological Museum of Lipari. This museum has five sections (prehistoric, classic, epigraphic, minor islands and volcanological), housing a vast collection of precious artifacts discovered in the islands since 1946.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, begin your tour with a walk through the town of Lipari, main city of the Aeolian Islands. The pastel-coloured houses of this little port contrast with the rugged and typically Mediterranean landscape that can be seen in the rest of the island.
A one-and-fifteen-hour scenic drive will give you the opportunity to discover this volcanic island and enjoy some stunning panoramas, including the Quattrocchi viewpoint, where you will admire the volcanic peaks of Jacopo and Perciato, against a backdrop of Vulcano Island, one of the most iconic island of the Aeolian archipelago.
In a local pizzeria, the owner will show you how to make this world famous national dish and give you the chance to realise your own pizza and personalise it with your favourite ingredients. Finally, you will taste your tailor-made pizza, accompanied with some wine and other Aeolian delicacies.
After the tasting, you will re-embark your coach for the drive back to the pier.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 100 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Lipari is the biggest and most populated of the Aeolian Islands. Famous since olden times for its obsidian quarries, Lipari is linked to Sicily by very regular ferry and hydroplane services. The town and port are dominated by a citadel, testimony to the archipelago’s strategic importance in the past.
From the ship, you will disembark by tender in Marina Corta pier, where you will meet your guide and board the private motorboat.
You will start your sail with beautiful scenery, passing first by the Lipari coast, and then proceeding on the west coast of Vulcano to see the Faraglioni, the Grotta del Cavallo, the Spiaggia di Ponente and Vulcanello.
You will then arrive on Vulcano Island where you will discover its impressive plateau. The vastest of the Aeolian Islands, formed by lava, banks of tuff and quaternary deposits; it is furrowed by deep valleys and surrounded by hills that descend towards the sea. On the highest slopes of the island, the panorama is picturesque and wild. There used to be three craters, one of which, as a result of erosion by the sea, presents an interesting cross-section of a volcanic cone, with lava flows and stratifications of pyroclastic material.
Upon your arrival in Vulcano, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a short visit of the village and stroll through town on your own to buy some souvenirs.
During your boat trip back to the pier, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy a swim, jumping in the sea directly from the boat.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 125 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your coach for a 1-hour scenic drive to Pizzo Calabro. This medieval town and fishing centre is known for the production of ice cream. Starting from the Piazzetta, you will continue the tour in the town centre until the Aragonese Castle (outside visit only), where Gioacchino Murat was executed. Finally, you will visit the Church of San Giorgio where Murat is buried.
You will visit one of the workshops of a historic ice cream shop where they produce the “Truffle” of Pizzo, a famous ice cream labelled “Protected geographical indication” for its sweetness and genuineness.
After enjoying tasting of tartufo and some free time for shopping, you will rejoin you ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Reggio Calabria is located on the tip of the Italian Peninsula and is separated from the island of Sicily by the Strait of Messina. It is situated on the slopes of the Aspromonte, a long, craggy mountain range that runs up through the centre of the region.
From the pier, you will board your coach and drive to one of the most important archaeological museums, the prestigious National Archaeological Museum of Magna Græcia, dedicated to Ancient Greece. You will have the possibility to visit the famous Bronzes of Riace, rare example of Greek bronze sculpture, which became one of the symbols of the city. The two statues – discovered on August 1972 near Riace – are considered among the most important sculptural masterpieces of Greek art.
Then, you will proceed to Scilla. Scilla is a village of ancient origins known since the days of Homer, who described it in his Odyssey as the home of Scylla, a nymph turned into a sea monster by the sorceress Circe.
The Ruffo Castle, completely turned towards the Strait of Messina, the uncontaminated beaches, the sea and the charming neighbourhood of Chianalea, the ancient fishing village, make Scilla one of the most sought-after tourist destinations of Calabria. Chianalea has earned the nickname of “little Venice” for houses built directly on the rocks, separated from each other by small streets that overlook the sea, particularity that also allowed the village to be counted among the most beautiful villages of Italy. Along the streets of the village you can see ancient fountains, churches and palaces.
After enjoying a visit of the castle and the village, you will taste a delicious refreshment of local products in a beautiful location with a view before returning to the pier, a 30-minute drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Dive into the history and production secrets of the bergamot, so symbolic and representative of Reggio Calabria, during your visit of the museum that gives pride of place to this emblematic citrus fruit.
It is known as “Calabrian gold”. Sometimes it is reminiscent of lemon; however, its aroma is much more powerful. Beneath Italian sunshine, its sun-drenched zests release a fragrance of citrus and flowers. Carefully picked, this orange pearl brings life to lands bathed in light, capturing the very essence of the dolce vita. Land from which, following a panoramic tour of the city and a promenade on the seafront, you will embark upon an exciting journey through the history, culture and traditions connected to this emblematic fruit, in the museum dedicated to it. Find out all the secrets of its production and fall under the spell of its aromas during on a tasting on site.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 105 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
To discover its lush mountains and its unrivalled flora and fauna, succumb to the temptation of an enchanting adventure at the heart of the Gambarie d’Aspromonte forest.
After reaching the charming village of Gambarie d’Aspromonte, perched at an altitude of 1,350 metres (4,430 feet), you will get ready to follow the hiking trail that runs through this unique environment. As you walk for a few kilometres, immerse yourself in luxuriant nature guarded by majestic oaks and ancient beech trees forming a natural arch through which filter rays of sunlight that illuminate the carpet of wild flowers covering the ground. Here, the murmur of the waterfalls tells legendary stories and the ballet of brightly-coloured butterflies flitting around the ferns and orchids is captivating. You will continue this unique hike until reaching Bosco degli Artisti, before making your way to a stunning lookout to enjoy a panoramic view of the Gambarie forest.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 140 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will be transferred by coach to the ancient Greek town of Taormina, a one-hour drive.
Called Tauromenium in ancient times, Taormina clings to the side of Mount Tauro and offers superb views, splashed with the vibrant colours of bougainvillea and oleanders, of the Mediterranean Sea, Isola Bella and a snow-capped Etna in the background.
A maze of narrow streets, stairs and tiny squares, Taormina has attracted many civilisations over the centuries. It is home to theatres and a gymnasium from the Greek period, an Odeon and baths from Roman times, buildings blending Arab and Norman cultures, traces of Byzantine, and villas belonging to European aristocracy in the 18th and 19th centuries.
You start your excursion with a visit on foot to the historic centre. You will cross the famous Corso Umberto to discover numerous monuments from several eras, and admire Porta Catania, the Cathedral, Piazza IX Aprile and Palazzo Corvaja.
You then arrive at Teatro Antico, a theatre built by the Greeks in the 3rd century BC, and almost completely rebuilt by the Romans who created a gladiatorial arena. The theatre is the second largest in Sicily after the one in Syracuse. Due to its size and acoustic quality the theatre is still used to host festivals and concerts. Seated on the stone terraces, the audience can enjoy the concert while admiring a breath-taking panoramic view of the sea, Mount Tauro and Etna.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will board your coach and start your 1-hour and 15 minutes panoramic drive to Acireale.
You will drive along the Ionian Sea on the famous “Cyclops Riviera” with the “Faraglioni” rocks and pass by the village of Aci Castello with its Norman Castle of black lava, and the small fishing village of Aci Trezza.
After a brief photo stop and a local granita tasting, you will return towards Catania and enjoy a short sightseeing tour of the city centre: Piazza Verga, Via Etnea, Villa Bellini, Piazza Stesicoro.
Stop near the Cathedral square and start the walking tour of the city centre: Piazza del Duomo, the central square with the elephant’s fountain and the Cathedral (outside visit) originally built by the Normans with its finely made choir stalls.
Following your short walking tour, you will enjoy some free time to browse the shops at your leisure before re-boarding your coach for the return drive to the pier.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Set off to discover the natural treasures of Sicily, between the spectacular landscapes of Etna and a visit of one of the region’s emblematic vineyards.
After driving through the town of Catania by bus, you will arrive at Etna. Rising more than 3,296 metres (10,800 feet) high, Europe’s largest active volcano and its slopes, covered with many cones and craters, appear.
At the Silvestri crater, the Etna landscape reveals itself in all its glory, with its spectacular colours and the impressive remnants of lava streams. You will also be able to contemplate the Gulf of Catania and admire the surrounding woods and vineyards.
You will continue your adventure with a visit of the Gambino Winery, property of the Raciti Gambino family. Located on Etna’s northern foothills, around 800 metres (2,600 feet) high, this estate spreads over sun-drenched terraces, offering a stunning panorama. The soil here is exceptionally fertile thanks to the volcanic eruptions of the past. On arrival, you will visit the vineyard and the winery before tasting some local wines and regional specialities.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 170 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Depart the pier by coach and drive to the archaeological area, which you will reach after a short drive.
Visit the Roman Amphitheatre of Augustus, used for fights between gladiators and wild beasts, the Altar of Hieron, constructed in the 2nd century BC to celebrate the "Eleutherian Feast", the Latomie of Paradise, huge caverns once used as prisons, the Ear of Dionysius, an enormous grotto with extraordinary echo and the Greek Theatre, one of the largest in the Hellenic World, constructed in the 5th century BC and successively enlarged.
Upon completion of the visit, re-board your coach for the short drive to Ortygia, which you will visit on foot. On Ortygia Island discover the Piazza Pancali (the ruins of the Temple of Apollo of the 6th century BC), Corso Matteotti, Archimede's Place, Piazza Duomo. Visit the Cathedral in Baroque style, erected over the remains of the Doric Temple of Minerva: in the interiors, see the undamaged twelve Doric columns. Then visit the fountain of Arethusa, the nymph praised by Pindar and Virgilio in one of the most touching and fine myths. Several nobility palaces - majority of them originating in the 15th and 16th centuries - will be seen from outside during the walking tour.
Then, return to the port and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Depart by coach from the port through the countryside, passing through villages and almond groves as you make your way to Noto, the second largest town in Syracuse province and the best example of Sicilian Baroque architecture on the island.
You will cross on foot the Public Gardens, where it is possible to admire the busts of the artists who contributed to Noto’s urban culture and style.
Besides the 18th century Cathedral, restored after damage suffered during 1990 earthquake, other impressive buildings are the Churches of St Domenico and of St Charles (del Colleggio), the “Ducezio” Palace and “Villadorata” Palace.
Noto has been declared a Heritage site by UNESCO, who also provides financial support for the reconstruction of monuments destroyed during 1990 earthquake.
A refreshment will be offered at a local bar and then you will enjoy some free time to browse around before commencing the return drive to Syracuse.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will meet with your guide and start your walking tour through the Old Town of Syracusa, whose narrow streets are lined by old, Baroque-style houses with charming balconies. You will enjoy a photo stop at the Cathedral Square where the Baroque-style Cathedral can be seen (outside visit only), erected over the remains of the Doric Temple of Minerva.
You will continue your walking tour through the narrow streets in the heart of the historic center towards the artisan workshop of Daniel Mauceri, a famous pupeteer. Daniel, together with his family, carries-on the ancient tradition of the Opera dei Pupi.
In 2021 Daniel Mauceri was selected by the Michelangelo Foundation to be included in the Homo Faber Guide, which contains the best international artisan excellence. His private collection represents the fruit of years of hard work by the Vaccaro Mauceri family. Upon your arrival, Daniel will explains all the processing stages for the creation of a Sicilian puppet and will show you how to move it during a show.
Finally, you will walk back to your ship.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 100 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Behind the fortifications of the island of Ortygia, old Syracuse spreads out in winding streets, creeping between ancient ruins and baroque beauties. Walking here is like a daydream, punctuated by the gentle lapping of the nearby sea, which licks at the thousand-year-old stones.
Founded by the Greeks in 734 BC, Syracuse was one of the most grandiose cities in the Mediterranean for a long time. Successive conquests — Roman, Byzantine, North African, Norman, etc. — left many traces on the city, permeating everything from the architecture to the art, via the cuisine. It is surely this entanglement of civilisations that gives Ortygia, the historic heart of the city, this particular appearance, with omnipresent myths.
Experience it for yourself in the bustling Piazza Pancali, where the dance of the café waiters and the cars soon make way for the sublime ruins of the Temple of Apollo, emerging calm and unalterable from the 6th century BC.
Following the Corso Matteotti shopping street, you will come out on the Piazza Archimède and its famous Fountain of Diana. Further on, the streets are embellished with small churches and graceful palazzos right up to the Piazza Duomo and its spectacular cathedral. This is built on the ruins of a Greek temple devoted to the goddess Athena and it is still possible to admire its 12 perfectly preserved doric columns inside, as well as a precious picture by painter Antonello da Messina.
The wonder will continue as you find yourself face to face with the Fountain of Arethusa. In Greek mythology, the nymph Arethusa was changed into an underground spring by the goddess Diana. This freshwater spring, which surfaces only ten metres away from the Adriatic Sea, inspired Cicero, Pindar, Virgil and many other big names.
Your discovery of Ortygia will finish with one of Sicily’s most pleasant aspects: its cuisine. Stop in a café and taste some of the region’s most famous dishes.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your coach for a short drive to Xaghra.
Upon arrival, you will visit Ggantija Temples "the Giant's Tower". Built before the famous standing stones at Stonehenge, Ggantija Temples is composed of two temples. A listed UNESCO World Heritage Site, the site was built between 3600 and 3200 B.C. The name Ggantija is derived from the word "ggant", Maltese for giant, as Gozitans used to believe the temples were built by a race of giants. Some of these megaliths exceed five metres in length and weigh over fifty tons. Hard-wearing coralline limestone was used for the construction of the outer walls (which is one of the reasons the buildings have survived so long), whilst softer, smoother, Globigerina limestone was reserved for inner furnishings such as doorways, altars, and decorative slabs. Each temple consists of a number of apses flanking a central corridor as well as a large terrace at the front which would probably have been used for ceremonial gatherings.
Reboard your coach for the short drive to Dwejra, where you can enjoy a photo stop and see the inland sea and Fungus Rock.
Then, you will head off to Victoria, Gozo's capital. The name Victoria was given to the town in 1887 in honour of the famous British Queen's Golden Jubilee. At the same time, the town was officially raised to city-status, becoming known as Citta'ir-Rabat (Victoria). There are many places of historical and cultural interest in Victoria; its towering fortifications afford panoramic views over the whole Island and within the Citadel are many of the main historical sites of ir-Rabat (Victoria).
Upon arrival, you will visit St. George's Basilica, located in the heart of Victoria, Gozo. The parish was set up in medieval times, while the foundation stones of St. George's Basilica were laid in 1672. The basilica is entirely covered with marble, while the canopy over the high altar is gilded in bronze and gold. However, the most fascinating work of art is a statue of St. George, sculpted in wood by Pawlu Azzopardi in 1838. All paintings in the dome and ceiling were done by Giovanni Battista Conti.
Finally, you will visit the Gozo Museum of Archaeology. The museum illustrates the cultural history of Gozo from prehistoric times to the early modern period. It relies on themes like burial, religion, art, food and daily life, making use of material from various archaeological sites in Gozo.
You will then return to the pier.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the picturesque Mgarr Harbour, set off on a scenic drive to one of the Maltese Islands’ most extraordinary archaeological treasures—the Ggantija Temples. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, these remarkably well-preserved temples date back to 3600–3200 B.C., predating both Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. As you enter through the modern Interpretation Center, discover the secrets of this ancient civilization before following an external pathway that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
Next, embrace the authentic charm of Gozo with a visit to Fontana Cottage, where the island’s rich culinary traditions come to life. Here, in the warmth of a traditional Gozitan home, experience a true taste of the region. Savor local wines, enjoy the unmistakable crunch of crusty Maltese bread, and indulge in an array of artisanal delicacies, each infused with history and passed down through generations.
After this sensory journey, return to Mgarr Harbour, where your tender awaits to take you back to your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Enhance your cruise and extend your trip with a specially designed program.
Day 1 - Valletta
After breakfast aboard disembark the ship and depart on a walking excursion of UNESCO World Heritage-listed Valletta, Malta's fortified capital city located on a hilly peninsula between two natural harbors.
You will visit the Upper Barrakka Gardens to enjoy panoramic views over the Grand Harbor. Proceed to the 16th-century St. John's Co-Cathedral and view Carravaggio's famous masterpiece, The Beheading of St. John the Baptist, during an inside visit.
Then, you will board your coach and drive to a local vineyard. At the Meridiana Winery, enjoy a wine tasting of some of the country's most delicious wines. Proceed to a historic local restaurant for a lunch of traditional Maltese specialties.
After lunch, you will reboard your coach and drive to the Hagar Qim Temples, a UNESCO World Heritage site (after a photostop at Blue Grotto). The temple complex dates to 3600 BC and is in a beautiful location on a cliff overlooking the sea.
You will be transferred to your hotel The Phoenica 5*.
Check-in in your room.
The end of the day and dinner are at leisure.
Day 2 - Valletta
After breakfast at the hotel, check out and transfer to Malta International Airport for flights home.
Your hotel:
The luxurious Phoenicia Hotel 5* dates back to 1935. Surrounded by seven acres of gardens, it is ideally located next to the Triton Fountain in Valletta's City Gate Square, just outside the ancient city walls. The rooms are spacious and elegant with modern furnishings. You have a choice of three restaurants, serving a range of Maltese and Mediterranean food. The pool bar and restaurant offer a resort-style setting overlooking Grand Harbour. The hotel is also equipped with a gym and spa. Wi-Fi is available to all guests, throughout the hotel.
Upgraded rooms are also available depending on availability and on a supplement basis. Contact your travel professional for further details.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note:
Hotel contact information:
Phoenicia Hotel
The Mall Floriana
Telephone number: +356 2122 5241
Duration of the visits are given as a guide only. The order of the visits may be reversed. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 600 €
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Travel with peace of mind as PONANT organizes your daytime between airport and embarkation port.
After disembarkation procedures are completed, you will be greeted at pier by our local representative.
Drive to Dingli Cliff for a photostop brefore Mdina visiting. Then, proceed to Mdina - Malta's Old Capital. Mdina is one of Europe's finest examples of an ancient walled city, with its extraordinary mix of medieval and Baroque architecture.
Then, Mosta discovery, famous for its church and its spectacular dome inspired by the Pantheon, in Rome.
Continue with the visit of Palazzo Parisio, a unique 19th century palace in the heart of the Mediterranean. Palazzo Parisio is not only another palace of the legendary Knights of St. John, but the ultimate memorial of ambitions, aspirations and pretensions of a 19th century noble family. It houses two baroque walled gardens, including a lovely orangery - a miniature Versailles.
Enjoy a small snack in the Palace.
Transfer to Malta Airport on time for the flight selected by PONANT.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Important Information: This program may be subject to change depending on the day of disembarkation and the Ponant flight schedules. The Cathedral is closed on Sundays, and the visit will include Mosta Basilica instead. Palazzo Parisio is closed on Mondays; refreshments will be served at Casa Bernard.
Duration and price of the visits are given as a guide only. The order of the visits may be reversed. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
In the event of schedule changes of PONANT's selected flight, your programme will be adapted to ensure the most seamless and enriching experience. The content of your revised programme will be updated on the PONANT website, in My Ponant space and on the PONANT app. The final programme will also be sent to you along with your cruise documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 180 €
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.