Deluxe Kabine Deck 3
20% Ponant Bonus
19 m²
Entdecken Sie die geschichtsträchtigen Städte an der Ostsee mit PONANT. Sie gehen an Bord der Le Champlain zu einer 10-tägigen Kreuzfahrt rund um die kulturellen Juwelen der Hanse.
Während Ihrer gesamten Reise profitieren Sie von einem bereits im Reisepreis inkludierten Landausflug pro Anlaufhafen und Person. Besuchen Sie auf dieser Kreuzfahrt Danzig und lassen Sie sich von einem Chopin-Konzert verzaubern, genießen Sie die Köstlichkeiten der estnischen Küche von Tallinn aus oder durchstreifen Sie die Labyrinthe der berühmten Festung Suomenlinna von Helsinki aus. Die Vielfalt der angebotenen Erlebnisse verspricht ebenso intensive wie abwechslungsreiche Momente (gesamtes Angebot unter dem Reiter „Reiseroute" einsehbar).
Von Kopenhagen aus geht es zunächst nach Karlskrona. Die südschwedische Stadt, deren Geschichte untrennbar mit der schwedischen Marine verbunden ist, verfügt über einen außergewöhnlichen architektonischen Komplex, charakteristisch für europäische Marinestädte am Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts. So wurde der Marinehafen mit seinen ehemaligen Werften und Verteidigungsanlagen von der UNESCO zum Welterbe erklärt.
Das Schiff läuft Danzig an, das für seinen Bernstein und seine Werft berühmt ist. Die alte Hansestadt enthüllt ihre Architektur im gotischen und barocken Stil, die restauriert oder wieder aufgebaut wurden.
Sie entdecken auch Riga, die Hauptstadt Lettlands. Mit ihrer beeindruckenden Mischung aus verschiedenen Architektur-Stilen gleicht die Altstadt einem Geschichtsbuch.
Auf Saarema, der größten Insel Estlands, tauchen Sie in die komplexe Geschichte ein. Zuerst wurde sie von den Wikingern erobert, dann wurde die Insel dänisch und schwedisch, bevor sie vom Russischen Reich eingenommen wurde und unter deutscher Besatzung stand. Im Jahr 1991 wurde sie mit der Unabhängigkeit des Landes schließlich estnisch.
Helsinki, Finnlands grüne Hauptstadt, die auf einer von 300 Inseln umgebenen Halbinsel liegt, besticht durch ihre Jugendstil-Architektur.
Sie besuchen Tallinn, eine emblematische Stadt der Hanse, dieses mächtigen Städte- und Handelsbundes, der über mehrere Jahrhunderte die Ostsee beherrschte. Diese ehemals sehr reichen Handelsstädte besitzen bemerkenswert gut erhaltene Stadtmauern, öffentliche Bauwerke, Zunfthäuser und Lagergebäude und zählen heute zum UNESCO-Welterbe.
Nach diesem letzten Aufenthalt läuft das Schiff Stockholm an, wo Ihre Reise endet.
Ref : EC150425
Eine Kreuzfahrt in der Ostsee, Entdeckung bedeutender Hansestädte in sechs nordeuropäischen Ländern: Dänemark, Polen, Litauen, Lettland, Estland, Finnland und Schweden Während der Kreuzfahrt von einem...
Für mehr Sicherheit wählt PONANT Flüge aus und kümmert sich um Ihre Transfers für Ihre Reise sowie um Landbesuche vor und nach dem Ausschiffen.
Diese Reise könnte Ihnen auch gefallen...
*Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit und basiert auf der Auslastung des jeweiligen Schiffes. Die Kabinenkategorie, für die dieser Preis gilt, ist möglichweise nicht mehr verfügbar
Prestige Suite auf Deck 6
Wählen Sie eine Kabinenkategorie aus
Ideal clothes for life on board:
During the days spent on board, you are advised to wear comfortable clothes or casual outfits. The entire ship is air-conditioned, so a light sweater, a light jacket or a shawl may be necessary. When moving about in the public areas of the ship and the decks, light but comfortable shoes are recommended.
Informal evening:
In the evening, you are advised to wear smart-casual attire, especially when dining in our restaurants where wearing shorts and tee-shirts is not allowed.
For women:
For men:
Officer’s evening:
For all cruises longer than 8 nights, an Officer’s Evening with a white dress code may be organized. Therefore, we encourage you to bring a stylish white outfit for the occasion (otherwise black and white).
Gala evening:
During the cruise, two gala evenings will be organised on board. Thus, we recommend that you bring one or two formal outfits.
For women:
For men:
A small shop is available on board offering a wide range of outfits, jewellery, leather goods and many accessories.
A laundry service (washing/ironing) is available on board, but unfortunately there are no dry cleaning services. For safety reasons, your cabin is not equipped with an iron.
In your hand luggage, remember to bring any medicines that you need, and possibly a small spare bag of toiletries (in case of delay in the delivery of your baggage by the airline). Remember to always have your travel documents with you in case you need them: hotel vouchers, cruise vouchers, return flight tickets... Never leave them in your hold luggage.
All our cabins have a safe. We recommend not to go ashore with valuable jewellery.
PONANT Aktivitäten
*Vorreservierungen der Landausflüge ab etwa zwei Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt möglich. Anfragen werden nach Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs und unter Berücksichtigung einer entsprechenden Verfügbarkeit bearbeitet.
Einschiffung 15.04.2025 von 16:00 bis 17:00
Abfahrt 15.04.2025 um 18:00
Die im äußersten Osten der Insel Seeland, in nur wenigen Kilometern Entfernung von den schwedischen Küsten gelegene Stadt Kopenhagen bietet Ihnen die ganze Buntheit der skandinavischen Metropolen. Sie können deren Sehenswürdigkeiten mit dem entlang der Kanäle durch die historischen Viertel Christiansborg und Nyhavn entdecken. Zahlreiche Paläste geben Ihnen einen Einblick in die dänische Geschichte. Kulinarisch lockt das Smorebrod, ein traditionelles dänisches Gericht mit verschiedenem Räucherfisch.
Ankunft 16.04.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 16.04.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Karlskrona liegt zwischen Land und Meer, verstreut über die kleinen Inseln des Blekinge-Archipels im Süden Schwedens. Aufgrund ihrer strategischen Lage in der Ostsee machte König Karl XI. von Schweden die Stadt 1680 zum Flottenstützpunkt der königlich-schwedischen Marine und gründete die Werft. Die Zitadelle wurde ex nihilo gebaut. Die Architektur wurde bis heute bewahrt, und die gesamte Anlage wurde zum UNESCO-Welterbe erklärt. Die dem nie weit entfernten Meer zugewandten, bunten Holzhäuser aus der Gründungszeit und die reiche Marinegeschichte verleihen der Stadt einen einzigartigen Charme. Ein unvergesslicher Abstecher.
Ankunft 17.04.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 17.04.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Diese entzückende Stadt an der Ostsee trägt den Beinamen "Goldenes Tor von Polen", dem die schöne hanseatische Architektur alle Ehre erweist. Die von Zierstäben und Giebeln verlängerten, farbenfrohen Fassaden der Häuser üben einen besonderen Reiz aus. Entlang der Weichsel-Ufer macht es Spaß, durch die Kunsthandwerksläden zu bummeln. In der eleganten Frauengasse locken die Bernsteinläden mit ihrem Schmuck. Bei dieser Gelegenheit können Sie auch die Marienkirche und ihre astronomische Uhr besichtigen. Ganz in der Nähe lässt Sie der Lange Markt den sehr berühmten Artushof und das historische Museum von Danzig mit reichen Sammlungen entdecken.
Ankunft 18.04.2025
Abfahrt 18.04.2025
Genießen Sie während der Überfahrt auf See die zahlreichen Freizeitangebote an Bord. Gönnen Sie sich Entspannung im Spa oder halten Sie sich im Fitnessraum in Form. Lassen Sie sich je nach Jahreszeit zu einem Sprung in den Pool oder zu einem Sonnenbad verlocken. Dieser Reise ohne Zwischenstopp bietet auch Gelegenheit, einer Konferenz oder einer der an Bord angebotenen Vorstellungen beizuwohnen, abhängig von den angebotenen Aktivitäten, oder in der Boutique ein wenig zu shoppen oder die PONANT-Fotografen in ihrem eigenen Bereich aufzusuchen. Wer das offene Meer liebt, bewundert auf dem Oberdeck das Schauspiel der Wogen und kann mit etwas Glück Meerestiere beobachten. Eine zauberhafte kleine Auszeit mit Komfort, Entspannung und Unterhaltung.
Ankunft 19.04.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 19.04.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Riga, die Hauptstadt Lettlands an der Kreuzung zwischen West und Ost, an der Ostsee, verführt mit Kontrasten. Als eine der ältesten Städte im Baltikum mit ihrer einzigartigen Atmosphäre, die an ihre mittelalterliche Vergangenheit erinnert, zeigt sie auch eine spürbare Dynamik und Modernität. Beim Bummel durch die Altstadt können Sie die außergewöhnliche Architektur, die Kathedralen, die Überreste alter Mauern und die typischen engen Gassen bewundern. Die kosmopolitische Stadt, die in den 1930er-Jahren „Paris des Nordens“ genannt wurde, besitzt ein sehr reiches Erbe.
Ankunft 20.04.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 20.04.2025 am frühen Abend
Willkommen auf Saaremaa, der größten Insel Estlands, mit tausendjähriger Geschichte und geheimnisvollem Charme. Die Insel liegt in der Ostsee und schließt den Golf von Riga. In ihrer Hauptstadt Kuressaare erhebt sich stolz die Bischofsburg, eine mittelalterliche Festung und ein gut erhaltenes Zeugnis der reichen Geschichte des Baltikums. Die Böden und das milde Klima bescheren der Insel eine üppige und vielfältige Natur mit Wäldern, Klippen, Dünen und Stränden, die jedes Jahr Tausende von Zugvögeln anzieht. Die Insel hat viele Schätze zu bieten, darunter Wildnis, Naturschutzgebiete, Meteoritenkrater und Windmühlen.
Ankunft 21.04.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 21.04.2025 am späten Abend
Ganz im Süden von Finnland auf einer Halbinsel errichtet, bietet Ihnen Helsinki die Lebendigkeit einer kosmopolitischen Hauptstadt, die nicht zwischen Eleganz und pittoreskem Stadtbild hat wählen wollen. Sie können das historische Zentrum durchstreifen, wo die neoklassizistischen Gebäude in zarten Farben neben spektakulären modernen Gebäuden stehen. Das quirlige Viertel Kallio eröffnet Ihnen eine Welt aus Läden und Restaurants, wo Sie die lokalen Spezialitäten wie Graavilohi, ein marinierter, gesüßter und aromatisierter Lachs, probieren können. Der Park Keskuspuisto, nur wenige Schritte vom Zentrum entfernt, lädt zu entspannenden Augenblicken ein.
Ankunft 22.04.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 22.04.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Die an der Ostsee im äußersten Norden von Estland gelegene Stadt Tallinn besticht durch den pittoresken Charme ihrer Architektur. Sie lädt zu einem Bummel durch die Gassen ihres mittelalterlichen Zentrums ein, das vom Rathaus, ein 1404 fertiggestelltes gotisches Gebäude, geschmückt wird. Um einen Einblick in die reiche Vergangenheit der Stadt zu erhalten, können Sie auch den Turm Kiek in de Kök, die orthodoxe Alexander-Newski-Kathedrale oder auch die Burg Toompea besichtigen. Eine kulinarische Pause ermöglicht Ihnen, lokale Spezialitäten wie geräucherten Hering, Elchbraten oder Lachs mit Wildbeeren zu entdecken.
Ankunft 23.04.2025 mittags
Ausschiffung 24.04.2025 um 07:00
Die Hauptstadt Schwedens erstreckt sich über ein Archipel im Osten des Landes am Übergang zwischen Mälarsee und Ostsee. In der Gamla stan, "Altstadt" auf Schwedisch, schlendern Sie durch malerische mittelalterliche Gassen bis zum majestätischen königlichen Schloss. Auf der grünen Insel Djurgården können Sie mehrere sehr verschiedene Kulturstätten besichtigen: Das Vasa-Museum widmet sich einem Dreimaster des 17. Jahrhunderts, das Freilichtmuseum Skansen präsentiert die Bräuche in früheren Zeiten und das ABBA-Museum ist der namensgebenden Popgruppe geweiht. Um einen ungewöhnlichen Panoramablick auf Stockholm zu genießen, steigen Sie in den SkyView, dessen Glasgondeln die sphärischen Wände des Ericsson Globe erklimmen.
You will meet your guide and board your coach for a panoramic 30-minutes tour of the UNESCO World Heritage listed part of the city, which is full of historical splendours reflecting its maritime heritage before heading to Brändaholm, and where you will be immersed in a typical Swedich neighbourhood.
Brändaholm is considered to be Sweden's most picturesque and beautiful allotment gardens. It is a picture-postcard example of Sweden's idylic way of life. It is located on a small promontory of the Dragsö island, and is characterized by its 1920s-style houses and small paths. An ideal destination for simply taking a stroll. There are 45 small houses with gardens, adorned with the Sewedish flag floating in the wind. None of the cabins may be larger than 32 square meters and the rule in Brändaholm states that all houses in size, shape and style must be similar.
To own a cottage you need to be in an inhabitant of Karlskrona. The local owners are very proud of their houses, and, of course, their gardens. The houses have historically passed from owner to owner through inheritance of other direct and personal means and they are rarely traded in the open market.
Stops will be made at a couple of the gardens where you will be able to have a look inside.
Then, head to a typical Swedish “fika” where you will enjoy a coffee with Swedish cake in the company of your local guide, who will be happy to ask all your questions about Karlskrona.
After this nice break, you will head to nearby Björkholmen, the old quarter of Karlskrona, with narrow streets and old wooden houses, where you will be immersed in a typical Swedish neighborhood from the past. A sharp contrast from the buildings of the city centre, you will enjoy a unique visit of one of the cottages before reboarding your coach and drive back to your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Karlskrona has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998. On this walk, you will discover the highlights of this naval city and learn more about its intriguing history.
A few steps from the quay is Stortorget, one of Europe's largest and most beautiful squares, with two churches, the Church of the Holy Trinity and Fredrik Church, designed by Nicodemus Tessin after a Roman prototype. In the middle of the square, you will also find the statue of King Karl XI, the city's founder, and an impressive view of the Admiralty Clock Tower, a well-known landmark and dominant feature of the cityscape.
Passing the main entrance to the still-active naval base, you will see parts of the magnificent Shed of Wasa and the Ropewalk en route to Admiralty Church, which dates back to 1685. Outside the church stands a well-known Karlskrona figure, the old man Rosenbom, as well as the statue of little Nils Holgersson from the Swedish saga by Selma Lagerlöf.
The King's Bridge, with the Aurora Bastion and the regional governor's residence, and the island of Stumholmen, with the former Crown bakery and the prison are just some of the historic sites that can be seen on the way to the Naval Museum.
The museum, with its intriguing exhibits, provides a good understanding of Sweden's military history. You will see unique models of ships and constructions dating back to the 18th century. Admire the majestic figureheads, stroll through the underwater tunnel, where you can see the remains of an 18th century warship, and visit the Cold War submarine "HMS Neptune".
Finally, a short walk will take you back to your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
The best way to explore Karlskrona, a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site, is from the seaside. Indeed, Karlskrona extends over 30 islands and countless smaller ones.
Meet your guide on the pier, and enjoy a small guided walk through the beautiful city centre, to the kayak base.
There, you will be given a short security briefing before launching into the sea. Your kayak guide will take you on a picturesque paddle tour around some of the islands that forms the World Heritage site.
Enjoy gliding over the sea as its mirror-like water reflects the sunlight and be amazed by the coast and its kilometres of protected waters. You will pass by Brändaholm, the most famous allotment garden areas of Sweden, with its famous little wooden houses. See the gunpowder-house on Ljungskär as well as the Old Fish Market.
This active tour combines nature, history and culture.
After paddling along the coast, you will head back to the kayak base to wrap up. As a reward for the effort spent paddling, you can enjoy a fika (hot beverage with Swedish pastry).
You guide will then walk you back to the pier.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 120 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier in Gdansk, you will board your coach for a drive through the suburban and commercial sections of Gdansk on your way to the Old Town.
The city’s 1,000 years of history have left a collection of buildings and monuments designed in Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. Your guided walk will bring you to the heart of the city - the Old Town. You will see buildings decorated with elaborate facades crowded by ornate gables. You will pass by the Town Hall, Long Market and the beautiful 15th century merchant’s Palace of Artus Court. Pause at Neptune’s Fountain to admire this monumental symbol of Gdansk’s Hanseatic past and its connection with the sea before walking down to the waterfront canal. Then take Mariacka or St. Mary’s Street, which delight its visitors with its lively atmosphere, quaint shops and lovely terraced buildings.
Continue to St. Mary’s Church, the pride of Gdansk. Gothic St. Mary’s is the world’s largest brick church, accommodating some 25,000 worshippers. Situated in the centre of Old Town, this medieval church took 159 years to build, and its deceivingly plain exterior belies a bright, spacious interior with large windows and more than 30 beautifully decorated chapels. The floor is covered with ancient tombstones, and the northern transept holds an amazing 15th-century astronomical clock, complete with the zodiac cycle and a calendar of the saints. Enjoy some time at leisure to shop for amber jewellery, artwork and souvenirs in the Old Town of Gdansk.
Next, drive to the Polish Baltic Philharmonic and enjoy an exlusive concert of Polish classical music, which presents the most famous pieces of classical music written by Frédéric Chopin, as well as other great masters that continued his tradition: Edward Grieg, Fritz Kreisler, Wojciech Kilar (a contemporary film music composer) and Henryk Wieniawski. The entire programme will be performed by a renowned Polish pianist Rafal Lewandowski.
After the concert, re-board your coach for the return drive to the pier and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier in Gdansk, you will board your coach for a drive through the suburban and commercial sections of Gdansk on your way to the Old Town.
The city’s 1,000 years of history have left a collection of buildings and monuments designed in Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. Your guided walk will bring you to the heart of the city - the Old Town. You will see buildings decorated with elaborate façades crowded by ornate gables. You will pass by the Town Hall, Long Market and the beautiful 15th century merchant’s Palace of Artus Court. Pause at Neptune’s Fountain to admire this monumental symbol of Gdansk’s Hanseatic past and its connection with the sea before walking down to the waterfront canal. Then take Mariacka or St. Mary’s Street, which delight its visitors with its lively atmosphere, quaint shops and lovely terraced buildings.
Continue to St. Mary’s Church, the pride of Gdansk. Gothic St. Mary’s is the world’s largest brick church, accommodating some 25,000 worshippers. Situated in the centre of the Old Town, this medieval church took 159 years to build, and its deceivingly plain exterior belies a bright, spacious interior with large windows and more than 30 beautifully decorated chapels. The floor is covered with ancient tombstones, and the northern transept holds an amazing 15th-century astronomical clock, complete with the zodiac cycle and a calendar of the saints.
You will enjoy time at leisure to shop for amber jewellery, artwork and souvenirs in the Old Town of Gdansk.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover one of the most popular specialties of Poland: pierogi. This tour will allow you to taste the local food and enjoy a guided tour of Gdansk.
Meet your guide and board your coach for a short 30-minute drive to downtown Gdansk.
Together with your guide, you will arrive at a local workshop where you can make and taste pierogi. Indeed, as far as cuisine is concerned, Poland is the most famous country for its pierogi, also called dumplings. They are made by wrapping pockets of unleavened dough around a savoury or sweet filling and cooking them in boiling water. During this workshop, your local chef will explain all the subtleties of this dish. He will guide you in the preparation of your pierogi. You will have the opportunity to get your hands dirty by following the Polish recipe with local ingredients and your chef's instructions, and prepare your own Polish dumplings. Your chefs know the recipes inside out, so you will not only prepare and taste these delicious dishes, but you will also learn about the true Polish traditions. After the workshop, you will taste your preparations accompanied by a glass of a typical Polish drink, namely kompot. It is a national drink, that is non-alcoholic, which and accompanies the meals in Poland. Very different from the traditional compote, the Polish kompot is prepared with stewed fruits and water.
After this workshop and tastings, you will head to a local restaurant for another tasting: the Goldwasser. This is a strong liquor made from roots and herbs that has been produced since at least 1598 in Gdansk. The most striking feature of this drink is the presence of small gold flakes of 22 or 23 carats suspended in the drink. You will learn more about its history from your guide and taste the liquor.
Finally, your guide will take you to the heart of Gdansk for a guided tour of the Old Town. - tThe city's 1,000-year history has left a rich collection of buildings and monuments designed in a splendid mix of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. Although Gdansk's Old Town is not as old as it looks, as over 80% of the buildings were rebuilt after the devastation of World War II, it has been thoroughly and lovingly restored to its former glory.
Enjoy some free time before re-joining your guide and coach to return to your ship.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 150 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover the beauty of Poland and visit the castle that has remained an object of European fascination since its mediaval origins.
Meet your guide, then board your bus for a one-hour ride to the town of Malbork.
Follow your guide and get immersed in medieval Poland, the time of the Teutonic Knights and the largest medieval fortress in Europe.
Malbork Castle, also known as the Castle of the Teutonic Order of Malbork, is the most complete and elaborate example of a Gothic brick castle complex in the characteristic and unique style of the Teutonic Order. Moreover, in 1997 it was included in the list of UNSECO World Heritage Sites. A large part of the original structure remains in Malbork and testifies to the high standard and exceptional quality of craftsmanship practiced in the region throughout the 14th century. Construction along the Nogat River began in 1274, when the Teutonic Knights created this massive stone fortress that includes formidable defensive walls, towers, a labyrinth of chambers, keeps and wonderful architectural details. In 1309, the headquarters of the knights left Venice to settle here. In 1466, the castle and town became part of Royal Prussia, a province of Poland, and served as the royal residence of Polish kings for the next 300 years. Extensive conservation work on the castle was carried out in the 19th and early 20th centuries. After the severe damage it suffered during the final phase of World War II, the castle was renovated once again. Today, the castle serves as a museum, with large exhibition halls, which display collections of armour, ceramics, sculptures and spectacular Baltic amber.
At the end of this exceptional tour, you will return, by bus, to your ship in Gdansk.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Riga is the capital of Latvia, the largest city of the country and the most cosmopolitan town of the Baltic capitals. It is a well-known and highly appreciated industrial, commercial, cultural and financial center of the Baltic States as well as one of the most important seaports of the region.
You will get beautiful trip by boat and will enjoy Riga’s and charming city canal.
From the pier, your coach will take you to the river pier located 10 minutes away. You will board a charming wooden boat for a commented cruise on the charming Riga's canal to discover the city marvelous layout, its buildings, its parks and its boulevards.
After an hour's ride along the water, you will leave your boat and board your coach for a 20-minute panoramic tour through the modern part of the city. You will pass by the National Opera, the Music Academy, the Central Railway Station, the Council of Ministers and Brivibas Street, the main shopping street of Riga. You will see other iconic places such as the Park Esplanada and its monument to the famous Latvian poet Janis Rainis, the Academy of Arts and the State Museum of Fine Arts.
You will continue with a guided walking tour of the historic center of Riga, which will take you to churches, renovated buildings and the magnificent Dome Cathedral, an architectural masterpiece. The cathedral is famous for its prestigious organ, built in 1883, with over 6,700 pipes. You will continue your walk to the Town Hall Squaree, where you will be able to admire the House of Blackheads, the statue of Roland and the Saint Peter's church. On the Livu Square, you will stop to see the Black Cat House and the small and large guild houses.
After your stroll through Old Riga, you will re-board your coach for the 10-minute ride back to your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Start your tour by coach and enjoy a short driving along the boulevards, parks and charming green spots of Riga. During this part of the tour, see various examples of Art Nouveau buildings, as well as the Latvian National Museum of Art, the Freedom Monument erected in 1935 on the donations of citizens of Latvia, the Latvian University and the National Opera. A stop will be made at the Art Nouveau district for a short walk through the Alberta street.
Next, reboard your coach for a drive through the modern part of the city, before you discover historical Old Riga on foot and acquaint yourself with the churches, the renovated buildings and the magnificent Dome Cathedral a masterpiece of architecture. The Dome is renowned for its prestigious organ, constructed in 1883, with more than 6,700 pipes. The highlight of your visit will be a short organ recital, demonstrating the power and beauty of its impressive sound.
Your tour continues to the Town Hall Square, where you will see the House of Blackheads, the Roland Monument and St. Peter's Church. A stop will be made at Livu Square to see the Cat House and the guild houses.
After your walking tour in Old Riga, reboard your coach for the 10-minute return drive to the pier and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Riga is one of the most exciting cities in the Baltic States and one of the most popular tourist destinations. The historical significance of authentic Old Riga, with its charming medieval atmosphere, and the ongoing renaissance of old buildings, thanks to successful restoration projects, reveal Riga's true beauty.
Riga is believed to have the largest collection of Art Nouveau architecture in Europe.
Meet your guide on the quay, board your bus and, after a short ride from the port, you will arrive in the centre of Riga.
With your guide, you will enjoy a guided tour of the main Art Nouveau Street, Alberta Street. During this tour, you will have the opportunity to admire the exceptional architectural heritage with several unforgettable examples of Art Nouveau buildings. This style is unique to Latvia and is known as "national romanticism". You will also discover the Freedom Monument, erected in 1935 thanks to donations from the citizens of Latvia, the Latvian University and the National Opera.
After extensive restoration and reconstruction, the Latvian National Art Museum opened to visitors on May 4, 2016. Around 500 works of art from the museum's collection are on display.
Finally, your guide will take you on a walking tour of historic Old Riga. Familiarize yourself with the churches and renovated buildings. Take a look at the House of Blackheads, followed by St. Peter's Church, St. George's Church and St. John's Church. You will walk with your guide to Livu Square, where you will have the chance to admire buildings such as the Russian Theatre, and large and small guild houses.
Then, it will be time to catch your bus back to your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Fall under the spell of Estonia’s largest island through its typical villages, windmills, lake and large town.
Your visit of the island will begin with a scenic bus tour of its typical landscapes. You will drive through an old local village, Leisi, to the Angla windmill hill, where you will be able to admire an impressive exhibition of five windmills which have survived since the start of the last century.
You will then visit the charming little Karja Church, dating from the Middle Ages and famous for its decorative elements and its wall frescoes.
You will get back on the road for a short trip to Kaali Lake, at the bottom of a crater caused by a meteorite falling thousands of years ago. It is estimated that the meteorite fell here in 700 BC, forming a lake that is 16 metres (50 feet) deep and is considered Saaremaa’s most extraordinary geological marvel.
Enjoy a little free time in the centre of Kuressaare, the largest town on the island. You will be able to buy pretty local handicrafts or have a cup of coffee in one of the town’s many cafés.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Visit a brewery and taste the local island beer before discovering the main sites in the island of Saaremaa’s capital.
You will take the bus to Kuressaare and the Pöide Brewery, which is continuing a long brewing tradition and offers a diverse range of local beers. The brewery was founded in 2013 in a small family farm near the medieval Pöide church; demand became so strong that it was transferred into the heart of Saaremaa, in the charming town of Kuressaare. Its new home - an Art Deco style industrial building with a large hall - is a reference to the Pöide church and is spacious enough to welcome visitors from all over the world.
Following the visit of the brewery and a beer tasting, you will be able to discover the capital itself. The guide will take you to the main sites, then you will have some free time to enjoy a cup of coffee before returning to the port.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 95 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Dive into the island’s agricultural past by visiting an 18th century farm and attend a folk show before touring the main sites of Kuressaare.
Start your visit with a journey through the island’s beautiful countryside to the Mihkli Farm Museum. Founded in the 18th century, this farm was converted into a museum in 1959, when the last owner transferred the buildings and all their contents to the Saaremaa Museum.
A typical farm to the west of Saaremaa, Mihkli Farm contains many everyday objects such as an old loom, hand-made furniture, and also tableware: bowls for soup or porridge, beer mugs (the oldest dates back to 1816), tins for butter and salted fish, etc.
After exploring the farm, you will be able to taste a local beer while attending a colourful folk show on the farm’s premises.
Continue your visit to Kuressaare, the island’s capital and largest town. You will visit it by bus, stopping off at the most important sites.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, drive towards Sibelius Park. It was named after Finland's greatest composer Jean Sibelius on his 80th birthday in 1945. Here you can view the Sibelius Monument designed by Eila Hiltunen.
Then proceed to Temppeliaukio Church. Built from the natural bedrock, it is one of Helsinki's most popular tourist attractions. The interior walls are created naturally by the rock, hence its nickname the Rock Church. The church was opened in 1969. Due to its excellent acoustics, the church is a popular venue for concerts.
After the visit, drive to Senate Square; it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful urban squares in the world. The square is dominated by four buildings designed by Carl Ludvig Engel between 1822 and 1852: Helsinki Cathedral, the Government Palace, the main building of the University of Helsinki and the National Library of Finland.
Next, walk down from Senate Square to the very lively Market Place. Here, discover the real heart of Helsinki and enjoy free time walking around and tasting local foods. Re-board the coach for the return drive to the pier and ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the Market Square, board a local ferry to reach Suomenlinna Island. The island is a major monument of military architecture. The construction of the sea fortress on the islands just off Helsinki in the middle of the 18th century was the most extensive building project during Swedish rule. When it was complete, its military shipyard was one of the biggest dry docks in the world and centres of know-how at that time. At the end of Swedish rule, the fortress was being compared with the maritime fortifications of Gibraltar. The 250-year-old fortress, which has been preserved intact because of its military use, is today part of UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
Join your guide for a walking tour of the island.
From the fortress, head back to the mainland by ferry, where you will pass through the Market Square and enjoy free time before walking back to the ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Enjoy a delightful drive through the Finnish countryside to the medieval town of Porvoo for a walking tour and a visit of Malmgård manor.
Board your motorcoach for a one hour drive to Porvoo.
The second oldest town in Finland, Porvoo is one of Finland's six medieval towns. It is famous for its wooden buildings in the old town and cobbled streets with charming shops and cafes. Celebrated as a national treasure, its old town has remained unchanged since the Middle Ages. With your guide, you will admire the red warehouses on the riverbank that once formed the medieval port. Today, these old buildings have become the symbol of Porvoo and are among the most photographed attractions in Finland. After a short orientation walk, you will enjoy some free time before heading to Malmgård Castle.
The manor house is of renaissance inspiration and is one of the most beautiful in Finland. Malmgård is now a private estate.
Your host will welcome you and invite you to visit this magnificent building which has belonged to the Creutz family since the early 1600s. Count Henrik Creutz still resides in the manor and has modernised the property by creating an organic farm and an ecological brewery. After the tour, you will be served a light lunch before heading to the farm's eco-brewery. The brew master will show you the secrets of his products. You will taste 3 types of beer and have a chance to share your opinion with the brewer ! And of course, the history of the farm and how it became involved in ecological farming is also a very interesting topic.
The estate also has a shop selling produce from the farm, local specialities and beers.
Back on the bus, you will return to Helsinki after this pleasant day in the Finnish countryside.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 180 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Immerse yourself in the medieval history of the Estonian capital through its emblematic monuments.
From the pier, your coach will take you through the modern part of the city before reaching the Old Town and stopping at the tall Pikk Hermann tower for a panoramic view of the imposing castle to which it is attached. You will then walk to the Kiek in de Kok tower to enjoy a superb view of the upper town’s towers and bell towers.
You will continue your visit on foot from the Hanseatic Old Town, past the Church of the Transfiguration, the Nun’s Gate, and the many merchant houses. On the way, admire the stunning Gothic facades of the guild houses as well as the Church of the Holy Spirit, home to Tallinn’s oldest clock.
Sitting in the centre of the square, the 15th-century town hall is one of few Gothic monuments from that period to be found in Europe. You will visit the Citizens’ Hall, now used for hosting receptions and concerts, as well as the Council Hall with its 15th-century furniture.
You will then admire the other buildings lining the square, including the shopfront of the apothecary, which is probably the oldest pharmacy in Europe, having been trading since 1422. After some free time, you will return to your coach via the Viru Gate, one of three gates that remain from the old city wall.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Tallinn is a wonderfully preserved city of the Hanseatic League with its old town entered in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Departing from the pier, your coach will circle around the Old town, offering magnificent views of the medieval city wall.
You will start your guided walking tour in the Upper Town with its watch-towers, graceful spires and winding, cobbled streets. Visit the Russian Orthodox Church, inaugurated in 1900 and filled with a stunning array of superb icons. You will view the exterior of the castle which is now the seat of Estonia's parliament. Built on a cliff top the Upper Town provides superb vantage point from which to view the red gabled roofs and spires of the Lower Town.
Your tour will continue as you follow your guide down Long and Short Leg Streets to the Lower Town. The first visit here will be to a historical building in the city centre where you will be treated to a delightful Estonian folk show.
Once you are rested and ready to resume your touring, you will continue with a walking tour of the Lower Town. Among the highlights is the apothecary, which opened in 1422, the Great Guild House, Holy Ghost Church and the 15th century Gothic Town Hall (all from outside). Here in the heart of Tallinn, you will enjoy some free time before rejoining your coach and returning to the pier.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
This tour will give you an insight into the iconic, historic and cultural sites of Tallinn's Old Town, including the Kadriorg Palace.
You will board your bus from the quay, with your guide, for a trip to the Upper Town.
You will stop at the foot of Dome Hill to walk to Palace Square. From here, you can see the towers of the medieval wall, as well as the Parliament building and Nevsky Cathedral.
You will continue to Kadriorg Park, Estonia's largest urban park. Kadriorg Park and Palace were founded by order of Peter the Great, who named the park in honour of his wife Catherine. You will start your visit at the park's edge, and walk to the palace, a remarkable symbol of Tallinn's Baroque architecture. The palace displays a small but valuable collection of foreign art in Estonia.
After admiring the art treasures, you will walk back to the parking lot to reboard your coach. Before returning to the Old Town, you will pass the Song Festival grounds, an important Estonian cultural landmark.
Upon reaching the Lower Town, you will begin your guided walking tour of this compact, well-preserved Hanseatic merchant town. You will have an impressive view of the castle, the towers of the city wall and numerous medieval houses before reaching the town hall square with its 15th-century pharmacy and the Gothic town hall. Walk through the Sainte-Catherine's Passage and enjoy some free time.
Finally, your bus will take you back to the quay and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
This tour offers a unique opportunity to familiarize yourself with the most popular Estonian hors d'oeuvres of yesterday and today.
You will meet your guide on the pier and board your bus for a short trip to Tallinn's medieaval castle on the bank of the old moat.
You will cross the Nuns' Gate to City Hall Square, the liveliest part of town, filled with restaurants and cafés, many of which are open-air. Across the square, in a charming Jugendstil building, you will find the day's restaurant serving an assortment of typical Estonian hors d'oeuvres. The restaurant's chef will explain the preparation process for the various appetizers and their ingredients and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
The dishes are accompanied by different types of apple cider. Estonia's climate is highly conducive to growing apples.
At the end of the tasting, you will be served a delicious cup of coffee and dessert.
Before heading back to your ship, you will have some free time in one of the city's most popular districts.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 80 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Covering the city districts of Södermalm, Gamla Stan, Norrmalm, Östermalm and Djurgården, this tour offers an excellent introduction to Stockholm from land and from the water.
Drive through the enchanting medieval Old Town, the Gamla Stan, with the Royal Palace dating from the 18th century, overlooking Stockholm's inner harbor. It is surrounded by many other magnificent old houses and palaces.
Continue past the Royal Opera House and through the modern shopping and business areas at Hamngatan and Sergels Torg.
Leave the coach and board a motor launch for a 50-minute Royal Canal tour into the Stockholm's National City Park.
Cruise along Strandvägen, one of the most exclusive areas in Stockholm, and through the green and lush park areas of Djurgården. Once a Royal hunting area, today Djurgården functions as Stockholm's amusement and recreation center. It is home to great parklands, beautiful gardens, cafés and restaurants, the Gröna Lund Tivoli, the Skansen Open-Air Museum and the well-known Vasa Museum, which houses the 17th-century warship Vasa.
Out on more open water, you will pass Fjäderholmarna, the Feather Islands. Continue past Prince Eugen's Waldemarsudde.
After the visit, reboard your coach for the panoramic return drive to the pier and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your coach for a 30-minute drive towards the City Hall.
The imposing City Hall is beautifully situated by the shores of the Lake Mälaren. Inaugurated in 1923 after 12 years of work, it is renowned for its architecture, murals, and mosaics, as well as for being the site of the annual Nobel Prize banquet. Experience the grandeur and spaciousness of the impressive Blue Hall and Golden Chamber and enjoy the beautiful view from the Garden.
Witness the historic elegance of the exterior of the Royal Palace, dating from the 18th century but built on the remains of the old castle “Three Crowns”, which dates as far back as the 12th century. Built on a hill in the Old Town, the Royal Palace has no less than 608 rooms.
Continue with your guide for a walk along the narrow streets of the Old Town and experience the medieval intimacy of what is today a living historical monument of international renown. Savour the bohemian atmosphere and the sense of age in houses dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries with Baroque doorways and coats of arms. You will pass by Stockholm Cathedral (the oldest church in Stockholm) and the Great Square in the centre of the Old Town, which is dominated by the old Stock Exchange, today housing the Nobel (Prize) Museum and the Swedish Academy.
Next, reboard your coach and continue the panoramic sightseeing en route to the Vasa Museum, for a guided visit. The museum was built around a 17th century warship, which sank in Stockholm’s inner harbour on its maiden voyage in 1628. Salvaged in 1961 and today restored to its former glory, the Vasa represents an authentic piece of living history.
After the visit, reboard your coach for the panoramic return drive to the pier and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Savoir vivre inklusive
Französische Lebenskunst (oder eine entspannte, internationale Atmosphäre an Bord der Paul Gauguin), aufmerksamer Service, feinste Gourmetküche, Freizeitangebote, Spa: Unsere Kreuzfahrten schenken wertvolle Momente voller Ruhe und Entspannung, Abenteuer und Entdeckung. Und mit unserer Vielzahl an bereits inkludierten Leistungen wird aus Ihrer Zeit an Bord eine richtige Auszeit vom Alltag.
An Bord Ihres Schiffes bieten Ihnen ausgewählte Lektoren kulturelle und historische Einblicke, damit Sie noch mehr über Ihr Reiseziel erfahren können: den Ursprung der lokalen Traditionen, die Geschichte symbolischer Orte, berühmte Persönlichkeiten und historische Helden... Die Experten begleiten Sie während der gesamten Kreuzfahrt, an Bord und bei den Ausflügen an Land, um ihr Know-how und ihre Einsichten mit Ihnen zu teilen.
Einzelkabinenzuschlag geschenkt
*Einzelkabinenzuschlag entfällt. Begrenztes Kontingent, abhängig von Verfügbarkeit.
Unsere Zusatzleistungen
790 €
DetailsTravel with peace of mind as PONANT organises your day time between the airport and your port of embarkation.
Meet at the airport in the Arrival hall. Look for PONANT sign. You will be greeted by our local representative off the flight selected by PONANT.
Your day will start at the Market Halls of Copenhagen. Located in the heart of the city, these iconic halls are a vibrant reflection of Copenhagen's culinary soul. You will stroll among the stalls where Danish culinary tradition meets contemporary innovation. Each stall is brimming with gourmet treasures infused with captivating aromas. Local artisans and producers will take pleasure in sharing their passion and craftsmanship with you.
A voucher will be provided to you for lunch, allowing you to savor a typical Danish dish prepared by a local restaurant at your own pace.
After lunch, you will depart for a panoramic tour of Copenhagen during which you will have the opportunity to grasp the soul of this charming, colorful city crisscrossed by canals. You will immortalize the famous Little Mermaid. This work of art, created by sculptor Edvard Eriksen in 1913, is a true artistic masterpiece blending delicacy and emotion. Her graceful silhouette is perched on a rock in the city's harbor, gazing out towards the horizon.
You will then be transferred to the pier of Copenhagen to embark on your ship.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
In the event of schedule changes of PONANT’s selected flight, your programme will be adapted to ensure the most seamless and enriching experience. The content of your revised programme will be updated on the PONANT website, in My Ponant space and on the PONANT app. The final programme will also be sent to you along with your cruise documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 260 €
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Enhance your cruise and extend your trip with a carefully designed programme.
Day 1 – Copenhagen
Meet at Copenhague airport in the Arrival hall. Look for PONANT sign. You will be greeted by our local representative off the flight selected by PONANT or any other flight (provided that you have previously communicated your flight schedule to your travel agent).
Transfer of around 30 minutes, from the airport to the Nobis Hotel 5*, not far from the Tivoli Gardens, in the very heart of the historic center of Copenhagen.
Afternoon and evening at leisure.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 2 – Copenhagen
Your morning will be dedicated to discovering the royal grandeur of Denmark. You will begin with Christiansborg Palace, a symbol of tradition, power, and continuity that embodies the quintessence of elegance and sophistication. The Palace houses the royal representation rooms, where events of paramount importance take place. It was here, on January 14, 2024, that the Prime Minister proclaimed the new King of Denmark, marking a new era for the Danish monarchy.
Then, you will walk to the iconic house of Royal Copenhagen, refined and prestigious, which has embodied Danish elegance since 1775. This establishment is a porcelain factory that marries traditional craftsmanship with timeless design, creating pieces that transcend eras and trends. The porcelain collections of Royal Copenhagen have adorned royal tables and elegant homes around the world.
Lunch in a local restaurant.
After lunch, you will go to visit the famous Frederiksborg Castle, around 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of Copenhagen, which was built by King Christian IV at the beginning of the 17th century on three islets surrounded by a lake. You will be able to admire its Baroque Park and its romantic landscaped gardens, as well as a remarkable collection of portraits, historic paintings, tapestries and decorative arts.
You will then return to your hotel for some free time before heading out again to dine in a local restaurant.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 3 – Copenhagen
After breakfast and check-out, you will head off to visit the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, located half an hour away from Copenhagen. You will discover its very beautiful sculpture garden offering a magnificent panorama over the Baltic Sea as well as many masterpieces by Giacometti, Andy Warhol, Calder, Francis Bacon or Asger Jon, one of the prominent figures in the CoBrA avant-garde movement. This architectural jewel is perfectly integrated into its environment and will delight art lovers.
After lunch in a local restaurant, you will be driven to the Little Mermaid, symbol of Copenhagen for an essential photo stop. This work of art, created by sculptor Edvard Eriksen in 1913, is a true artistic masterpiece blending delicacy and emotion. Her graceful silhouette is perched on a rock in the city's harbor, gazing out towards the horizon.
You will then be transferred to the pier of Copenhagen to embark on board your ship.
Your hotel:
The Nobis 5*, a member of Design hotels, is ideally located in the historic heart of Copenhagen. Its rooms are elegantly decorated with Scandinavian furniture in a sleek and contemporary spirit, with bathrooms in grey marble. You will be able to enjoy access to its fitness centre as well as its relaxation area, with a swimming pool, sauna and hammam.
Upgraded rooms are also available depending on availability and on a supplement basis. Contact your travel professional for further detail.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note:
Contact of your hotel:
NOBIS hotel
Niels Brocks Gade 1
1574 København, Denmark
Telephone : (45) 78 74 14 10
Duration and order of the visits may vary. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 2.310 €
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.
You will meet your guide and board your coach for a panoramic 30-minutes tour of the UNESCO World Heritage listed part of the city, which is full of historical splendours reflecting its maritime heritage before heading to Brändaholm, and where you will be immersed in a typical Swedich neighbourhood.
Brändaholm is considered to be Sweden's most picturesque and beautiful allotment gardens. It is a picture-postcard example of Sweden's idylic way of life. It is located on a small promontory of the Dragsö island, and is characterized by its 1920s-style houses and small paths. An ideal destination for simply taking a stroll. There are 45 small houses with gardens, adorned with the Sewedish flag floating in the wind. None of the cabins may be larger than 32 square meters and the rule in Brändaholm states that all houses in size, shape and style must be similar.
To own a cottage you need to be in an inhabitant of Karlskrona. The local owners are very proud of their houses, and, of course, their gardens. The houses have historically passed from owner to owner through inheritance of other direct and personal means and they are rarely traded in the open market.
Stops will be made at a couple of the gardens where you will be able to have a look inside.
Then, head to a typical Swedish “fika” where you will enjoy a coffee with Swedish cake in the company of your local guide, who will be happy to ask all your questions about Karlskrona.
After this nice break, you will head to nearby Björkholmen, the old quarter of Karlskrona, with narrow streets and old wooden houses, where you will be immersed in a typical Swedish neighborhood from the past. A sharp contrast from the buildings of the city centre, you will enjoy a unique visit of one of the cottages before reboarding your coach and drive back to your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Karlskrona has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998. On this walk, you will discover the highlights of this naval city and learn more about its intriguing history.
A few steps from the quay is Stortorget, one of Europe's largest and most beautiful squares, with two churches, the Church of the Holy Trinity and Fredrik Church, designed by Nicodemus Tessin after a Roman prototype. In the middle of the square, you will also find the statue of King Karl XI, the city's founder, and an impressive view of the Admiralty Clock Tower, a well-known landmark and dominant feature of the cityscape.
Passing the main entrance to the still-active naval base, you will see parts of the magnificent Shed of Wasa and the Ropewalk en route to Admiralty Church, which dates back to 1685. Outside the church stands a well-known Karlskrona figure, the old man Rosenbom, as well as the statue of little Nils Holgersson from the Swedish saga by Selma Lagerlöf.
The King's Bridge, with the Aurora Bastion and the regional governor's residence, and the island of Stumholmen, with the former Crown bakery and the prison are just some of the historic sites that can be seen on the way to the Naval Museum.
The museum, with its intriguing exhibits, provides a good understanding of Sweden's military history. You will see unique models of ships and constructions dating back to the 18th century. Admire the majestic figureheads, stroll through the underwater tunnel, where you can see the remains of an 18th century warship, and visit the Cold War submarine "HMS Neptune".
Finally, a short walk will take you back to your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
The best way to explore Karlskrona, a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site, is from the seaside. Indeed, Karlskrona extends over 30 islands and countless smaller ones.
Meet your guide on the pier, and enjoy a small guided walk through the beautiful city centre, to the kayak base.
There, you will be given a short security briefing before launching into the sea. Your kayak guide will take you on a picturesque paddle tour around some of the islands that forms the World Heritage site.
Enjoy gliding over the sea as its mirror-like water reflects the sunlight and be amazed by the coast and its kilometres of protected waters. You will pass by Brändaholm, the most famous allotment garden areas of Sweden, with its famous little wooden houses. See the gunpowder-house on Ljungskär as well as the Old Fish Market.
This active tour combines nature, history and culture.
After paddling along the coast, you will head back to the kayak base to wrap up. As a reward for the effort spent paddling, you can enjoy a fika (hot beverage with Swedish pastry).
You guide will then walk you back to the pier.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 120 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier in Gdansk, you will board your coach for a drive through the suburban and commercial sections of Gdansk on your way to the Old Town.
The city’s 1,000 years of history have left a collection of buildings and monuments designed in Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. Your guided walk will bring you to the heart of the city - the Old Town. You will see buildings decorated with elaborate facades crowded by ornate gables. You will pass by the Town Hall, Long Market and the beautiful 15th century merchant’s Palace of Artus Court. Pause at Neptune’s Fountain to admire this monumental symbol of Gdansk’s Hanseatic past and its connection with the sea before walking down to the waterfront canal. Then take Mariacka or St. Mary’s Street, which delight its visitors with its lively atmosphere, quaint shops and lovely terraced buildings.
Continue to St. Mary’s Church, the pride of Gdansk. Gothic St. Mary’s is the world’s largest brick church, accommodating some 25,000 worshippers. Situated in the centre of Old Town, this medieval church took 159 years to build, and its deceivingly plain exterior belies a bright, spacious interior with large windows and more than 30 beautifully decorated chapels. The floor is covered with ancient tombstones, and the northern transept holds an amazing 15th-century astronomical clock, complete with the zodiac cycle and a calendar of the saints. Enjoy some time at leisure to shop for amber jewellery, artwork and souvenirs in the Old Town of Gdansk.
Next, drive to the Polish Baltic Philharmonic and enjoy an exlusive concert of Polish classical music, which presents the most famous pieces of classical music written by Frédéric Chopin, as well as other great masters that continued his tradition: Edward Grieg, Fritz Kreisler, Wojciech Kilar (a contemporary film music composer) and Henryk Wieniawski. The entire programme will be performed by a renowned Polish pianist Rafal Lewandowski.
After the concert, re-board your coach for the return drive to the pier and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier in Gdansk, you will board your coach for a drive through the suburban and commercial sections of Gdansk on your way to the Old Town.
The city’s 1,000 years of history have left a collection of buildings and monuments designed in Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. Your guided walk will bring you to the heart of the city - the Old Town. You will see buildings decorated with elaborate façades crowded by ornate gables. You will pass by the Town Hall, Long Market and the beautiful 15th century merchant’s Palace of Artus Court. Pause at Neptune’s Fountain to admire this monumental symbol of Gdansk’s Hanseatic past and its connection with the sea before walking down to the waterfront canal. Then take Mariacka or St. Mary’s Street, which delight its visitors with its lively atmosphere, quaint shops and lovely terraced buildings.
Continue to St. Mary’s Church, the pride of Gdansk. Gothic St. Mary’s is the world’s largest brick church, accommodating some 25,000 worshippers. Situated in the centre of the Old Town, this medieval church took 159 years to build, and its deceivingly plain exterior belies a bright, spacious interior with large windows and more than 30 beautifully decorated chapels. The floor is covered with ancient tombstones, and the northern transept holds an amazing 15th-century astronomical clock, complete with the zodiac cycle and a calendar of the saints.
You will enjoy time at leisure to shop for amber jewellery, artwork and souvenirs in the Old Town of Gdansk.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover one of the most popular specialties of Poland: pierogi. This tour will allow you to taste the local food and enjoy a guided tour of Gdansk.
Meet your guide and board your coach for a short 30-minute drive to downtown Gdansk.
Together with your guide, you will arrive at a local workshop where you can make and taste pierogi. Indeed, as far as cuisine is concerned, Poland is the most famous country for its pierogi, also called dumplings. They are made by wrapping pockets of unleavened dough around a savoury or sweet filling and cooking them in boiling water. During this workshop, your local chef will explain all the subtleties of this dish. He will guide you in the preparation of your pierogi. You will have the opportunity to get your hands dirty by following the Polish recipe with local ingredients and your chef's instructions, and prepare your own Polish dumplings. Your chefs know the recipes inside out, so you will not only prepare and taste these delicious dishes, but you will also learn about the true Polish traditions. After the workshop, you will taste your preparations accompanied by a glass of a typical Polish drink, namely kompot. It is a national drink, that is non-alcoholic, which and accompanies the meals in Poland. Very different from the traditional compote, the Polish kompot is prepared with stewed fruits and water.
After this workshop and tastings, you will head to a local restaurant for another tasting: the Goldwasser. This is a strong liquor made from roots and herbs that has been produced since at least 1598 in Gdansk. The most striking feature of this drink is the presence of small gold flakes of 22 or 23 carats suspended in the drink. You will learn more about its history from your guide and taste the liquor.
Finally, your guide will take you to the heart of Gdansk for a guided tour of the Old Town. - tThe city's 1,000-year history has left a rich collection of buildings and monuments designed in a splendid mix of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. Although Gdansk's Old Town is not as old as it looks, as over 80% of the buildings were rebuilt after the devastation of World War II, it has been thoroughly and lovingly restored to its former glory.
Enjoy some free time before re-joining your guide and coach to return to your ship.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 150 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover the beauty of Poland and visit the castle that has remained an object of European fascination since its mediaval origins.
Meet your guide, then board your bus for a one-hour ride to the town of Malbork.
Follow your guide and get immersed in medieval Poland, the time of the Teutonic Knights and the largest medieval fortress in Europe.
Malbork Castle, also known as the Castle of the Teutonic Order of Malbork, is the most complete and elaborate example of a Gothic brick castle complex in the characteristic and unique style of the Teutonic Order. Moreover, in 1997 it was included in the list of UNSECO World Heritage Sites. A large part of the original structure remains in Malbork and testifies to the high standard and exceptional quality of craftsmanship practiced in the region throughout the 14th century. Construction along the Nogat River began in 1274, when the Teutonic Knights created this massive stone fortress that includes formidable defensive walls, towers, a labyrinth of chambers, keeps and wonderful architectural details. In 1309, the headquarters of the knights left Venice to settle here. In 1466, the castle and town became part of Royal Prussia, a province of Poland, and served as the royal residence of Polish kings for the next 300 years. Extensive conservation work on the castle was carried out in the 19th and early 20th centuries. After the severe damage it suffered during the final phase of World War II, the castle was renovated once again. Today, the castle serves as a museum, with large exhibition halls, which display collections of armour, ceramics, sculptures and spectacular Baltic amber.
At the end of this exceptional tour, you will return, by bus, to your ship in Gdansk.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Riga is the capital of Latvia, the largest city of the country and the most cosmopolitan town of the Baltic capitals. It is a well-known and highly appreciated industrial, commercial, cultural and financial center of the Baltic States as well as one of the most important seaports of the region.
You will get beautiful trip by boat and will enjoy Riga’s and charming city canal.
From the pier, your coach will take you to the river pier located 10 minutes away. You will board a charming wooden boat for a commented cruise on the charming Riga's canal to discover the city marvelous layout, its buildings, its parks and its boulevards.
After an hour's ride along the water, you will leave your boat and board your coach for a 20-minute panoramic tour through the modern part of the city. You will pass by the National Opera, the Music Academy, the Central Railway Station, the Council of Ministers and Brivibas Street, the main shopping street of Riga. You will see other iconic places such as the Park Esplanada and its monument to the famous Latvian poet Janis Rainis, the Academy of Arts and the State Museum of Fine Arts.
You will continue with a guided walking tour of the historic center of Riga, which will take you to churches, renovated buildings and the magnificent Dome Cathedral, an architectural masterpiece. The cathedral is famous for its prestigious organ, built in 1883, with over 6,700 pipes. You will continue your walk to the Town Hall Squaree, where you will be able to admire the House of Blackheads, the statue of Roland and the Saint Peter's church. On the Livu Square, you will stop to see the Black Cat House and the small and large guild houses.
After your stroll through Old Riga, you will re-board your coach for the 10-minute ride back to your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Start your tour by coach and enjoy a short driving along the boulevards, parks and charming green spots of Riga. During this part of the tour, see various examples of Art Nouveau buildings, as well as the Latvian National Museum of Art, the Freedom Monument erected in 1935 on the donations of citizens of Latvia, the Latvian University and the National Opera. A stop will be made at the Art Nouveau district for a short walk through the Alberta street.
Next, reboard your coach for a drive through the modern part of the city, before you discover historical Old Riga on foot and acquaint yourself with the churches, the renovated buildings and the magnificent Dome Cathedral a masterpiece of architecture. The Dome is renowned for its prestigious organ, constructed in 1883, with more than 6,700 pipes. The highlight of your visit will be a short organ recital, demonstrating the power and beauty of its impressive sound.
Your tour continues to the Town Hall Square, where you will see the House of Blackheads, the Roland Monument and St. Peter's Church. A stop will be made at Livu Square to see the Cat House and the guild houses.
After your walking tour in Old Riga, reboard your coach for the 10-minute return drive to the pier and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Riga is one of the most exciting cities in the Baltic States and one of the most popular tourist destinations. The historical significance of authentic Old Riga, with its charming medieval atmosphere, and the ongoing renaissance of old buildings, thanks to successful restoration projects, reveal Riga's true beauty.
Riga is believed to have the largest collection of Art Nouveau architecture in Europe.
Meet your guide on the quay, board your bus and, after a short ride from the port, you will arrive in the centre of Riga.
With your guide, you will enjoy a guided tour of the main Art Nouveau Street, Alberta Street. During this tour, you will have the opportunity to admire the exceptional architectural heritage with several unforgettable examples of Art Nouveau buildings. This style is unique to Latvia and is known as "national romanticism". You will also discover the Freedom Monument, erected in 1935 thanks to donations from the citizens of Latvia, the Latvian University and the National Opera.
After extensive restoration and reconstruction, the Latvian National Art Museum opened to visitors on May 4, 2016. Around 500 works of art from the museum's collection are on display.
Finally, your guide will take you on a walking tour of historic Old Riga. Familiarize yourself with the churches and renovated buildings. Take a look at the House of Blackheads, followed by St. Peter's Church, St. George's Church and St. John's Church. You will walk with your guide to Livu Square, where you will have the chance to admire buildings such as the Russian Theatre, and large and small guild houses.
Then, it will be time to catch your bus back to your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Fall under the spell of Estonia’s largest island through its typical villages, windmills, lake and large town.
Your visit of the island will begin with a scenic bus tour of its typical landscapes. You will drive through an old local village, Leisi, to the Angla windmill hill, where you will be able to admire an impressive exhibition of five windmills which have survived since the start of the last century.
You will then visit the charming little Karja Church, dating from the Middle Ages and famous for its decorative elements and its wall frescoes.
You will get back on the road for a short trip to Kaali Lake, at the bottom of a crater caused by a meteorite falling thousands of years ago. It is estimated that the meteorite fell here in 700 BC, forming a lake that is 16 metres (50 feet) deep and is considered Saaremaa’s most extraordinary geological marvel.
Enjoy a little free time in the centre of Kuressaare, the largest town on the island. You will be able to buy pretty local handicrafts or have a cup of coffee in one of the town’s many cafés.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Visit a brewery and taste the local island beer before discovering the main sites in the island of Saaremaa’s capital.
You will take the bus to Kuressaare and the Pöide Brewery, which is continuing a long brewing tradition and offers a diverse range of local beers. The brewery was founded in 2013 in a small family farm near the medieval Pöide church; demand became so strong that it was transferred into the heart of Saaremaa, in the charming town of Kuressaare. Its new home - an Art Deco style industrial building with a large hall - is a reference to the Pöide church and is spacious enough to welcome visitors from all over the world.
Following the visit of the brewery and a beer tasting, you will be able to discover the capital itself. The guide will take you to the main sites, then you will have some free time to enjoy a cup of coffee before returning to the port.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 95 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Dive into the island’s agricultural past by visiting an 18th century farm and attend a folk show before touring the main sites of Kuressaare.
Start your visit with a journey through the island’s beautiful countryside to the Mihkli Farm Museum. Founded in the 18th century, this farm was converted into a museum in 1959, when the last owner transferred the buildings and all their contents to the Saaremaa Museum.
A typical farm to the west of Saaremaa, Mihkli Farm contains many everyday objects such as an old loom, hand-made furniture, and also tableware: bowls for soup or porridge, beer mugs (the oldest dates back to 1816), tins for butter and salted fish, etc.
After exploring the farm, you will be able to taste a local beer while attending a colourful folk show on the farm’s premises.
Continue your visit to Kuressaare, the island’s capital and largest town. You will visit it by bus, stopping off at the most important sites.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, drive towards Sibelius Park. It was named after Finland's greatest composer Jean Sibelius on his 80th birthday in 1945. Here you can view the Sibelius Monument designed by Eila Hiltunen.
Then proceed to Temppeliaukio Church. Built from the natural bedrock, it is one of Helsinki's most popular tourist attractions. The interior walls are created naturally by the rock, hence its nickname the Rock Church. The church was opened in 1969. Due to its excellent acoustics, the church is a popular venue for concerts.
After the visit, drive to Senate Square; it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful urban squares in the world. The square is dominated by four buildings designed by Carl Ludvig Engel between 1822 and 1852: Helsinki Cathedral, the Government Palace, the main building of the University of Helsinki and the National Library of Finland.
Next, walk down from Senate Square to the very lively Market Place. Here, discover the real heart of Helsinki and enjoy free time walking around and tasting local foods. Re-board the coach for the return drive to the pier and ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the Market Square, board a local ferry to reach Suomenlinna Island. The island is a major monument of military architecture. The construction of the sea fortress on the islands just off Helsinki in the middle of the 18th century was the most extensive building project during Swedish rule. When it was complete, its military shipyard was one of the biggest dry docks in the world and centres of know-how at that time. At the end of Swedish rule, the fortress was being compared with the maritime fortifications of Gibraltar. The 250-year-old fortress, which has been preserved intact because of its military use, is today part of UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
Join your guide for a walking tour of the island.
From the fortress, head back to the mainland by ferry, where you will pass through the Market Square and enjoy free time before walking back to the ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Enjoy a delightful drive through the Finnish countryside to the medieval town of Porvoo for a walking tour and a visit of Malmgård manor.
Board your motorcoach for a one hour drive to Porvoo.
The second oldest town in Finland, Porvoo is one of Finland's six medieval towns. It is famous for its wooden buildings in the old town and cobbled streets with charming shops and cafes. Celebrated as a national treasure, its old town has remained unchanged since the Middle Ages. With your guide, you will admire the red warehouses on the riverbank that once formed the medieval port. Today, these old buildings have become the symbol of Porvoo and are among the most photographed attractions in Finland. After a short orientation walk, you will enjoy some free time before heading to Malmgård Castle.
The manor house is of renaissance inspiration and is one of the most beautiful in Finland. Malmgård is now a private estate.
Your host will welcome you and invite you to visit this magnificent building which has belonged to the Creutz family since the early 1600s. Count Henrik Creutz still resides in the manor and has modernised the property by creating an organic farm and an ecological brewery. After the tour, you will be served a light lunch before heading to the farm's eco-brewery. The brew master will show you the secrets of his products. You will taste 3 types of beer and have a chance to share your opinion with the brewer ! And of course, the history of the farm and how it became involved in ecological farming is also a very interesting topic.
The estate also has a shop selling produce from the farm, local specialities and beers.
Back on the bus, you will return to Helsinki after this pleasant day in the Finnish countryside.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 180 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Immerse yourself in the medieval history of the Estonian capital through its emblematic monuments.
From the pier, your coach will take you through the modern part of the city before reaching the Old Town and stopping at the tall Pikk Hermann tower for a panoramic view of the imposing castle to which it is attached. You will then walk to the Kiek in de Kok tower to enjoy a superb view of the upper town’s towers and bell towers.
You will continue your visit on foot from the Hanseatic Old Town, past the Church of the Transfiguration, the Nun’s Gate, and the many merchant houses. On the way, admire the stunning Gothic facades of the guild houses as well as the Church of the Holy Spirit, home to Tallinn’s oldest clock.
Sitting in the centre of the square, the 15th-century town hall is one of few Gothic monuments from that period to be found in Europe. You will visit the Citizens’ Hall, now used for hosting receptions and concerts, as well as the Council Hall with its 15th-century furniture.
You will then admire the other buildings lining the square, including the shopfront of the apothecary, which is probably the oldest pharmacy in Europe, having been trading since 1422. After some free time, you will return to your coach via the Viru Gate, one of three gates that remain from the old city wall.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Tallinn is a wonderfully preserved city of the Hanseatic League with its old town entered in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Departing from the pier, your coach will circle around the Old town, offering magnificent views of the medieval city wall.
You will start your guided walking tour in the Upper Town with its watch-towers, graceful spires and winding, cobbled streets. Visit the Russian Orthodox Church, inaugurated in 1900 and filled with a stunning array of superb icons. You will view the exterior of the castle which is now the seat of Estonia's parliament. Built on a cliff top the Upper Town provides superb vantage point from which to view the red gabled roofs and spires of the Lower Town.
Your tour will continue as you follow your guide down Long and Short Leg Streets to the Lower Town. The first visit here will be to a historical building in the city centre where you will be treated to a delightful Estonian folk show.
Once you are rested and ready to resume your touring, you will continue with a walking tour of the Lower Town. Among the highlights is the apothecary, which opened in 1422, the Great Guild House, Holy Ghost Church and the 15th century Gothic Town Hall (all from outside). Here in the heart of Tallinn, you will enjoy some free time before rejoining your coach and returning to the pier.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
This tour will give you an insight into the iconic, historic and cultural sites of Tallinn's Old Town, including the Kadriorg Palace.
You will board your bus from the quay, with your guide, for a trip to the Upper Town.
You will stop at the foot of Dome Hill to walk to Palace Square. From here, you can see the towers of the medieval wall, as well as the Parliament building and Nevsky Cathedral.
You will continue to Kadriorg Park, Estonia's largest urban park. Kadriorg Park and Palace were founded by order of Peter the Great, who named the park in honour of his wife Catherine. You will start your visit at the park's edge, and walk to the palace, a remarkable symbol of Tallinn's Baroque architecture. The palace displays a small but valuable collection of foreign art in Estonia.
After admiring the art treasures, you will walk back to the parking lot to reboard your coach. Before returning to the Old Town, you will pass the Song Festival grounds, an important Estonian cultural landmark.
Upon reaching the Lower Town, you will begin your guided walking tour of this compact, well-preserved Hanseatic merchant town. You will have an impressive view of the castle, the towers of the city wall and numerous medieval houses before reaching the town hall square with its 15th-century pharmacy and the Gothic town hall. Walk through the Sainte-Catherine's Passage and enjoy some free time.
Finally, your bus will take you back to the quay and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
This tour offers a unique opportunity to familiarize yourself with the most popular Estonian hors d'oeuvres of yesterday and today.
You will meet your guide on the pier and board your bus for a short trip to Tallinn's medieaval castle on the bank of the old moat.
You will cross the Nuns' Gate to City Hall Square, the liveliest part of town, filled with restaurants and cafés, many of which are open-air. Across the square, in a charming Jugendstil building, you will find the day's restaurant serving an assortment of typical Estonian hors d'oeuvres. The restaurant's chef will explain the preparation process for the various appetizers and their ingredients and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
The dishes are accompanied by different types of apple cider. Estonia's climate is highly conducive to growing apples.
At the end of the tasting, you will be served a delicious cup of coffee and dessert.
Before heading back to your ship, you will have some free time in one of the city's most popular districts.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 80 €
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Covering the city districts of Södermalm, Gamla Stan, Norrmalm, Östermalm and Djurgården, this tour offers an excellent introduction to Stockholm from land and from the water.
Drive through the enchanting medieval Old Town, the Gamla Stan, with the Royal Palace dating from the 18th century, overlooking Stockholm's inner harbor. It is surrounded by many other magnificent old houses and palaces.
Continue past the Royal Opera House and through the modern shopping and business areas at Hamngatan and Sergels Torg.
Leave the coach and board a motor launch for a 50-minute Royal Canal tour into the Stockholm's National City Park.
Cruise along Strandvägen, one of the most exclusive areas in Stockholm, and through the green and lush park areas of Djurgården. Once a Royal hunting area, today Djurgården functions as Stockholm's amusement and recreation center. It is home to great parklands, beautiful gardens, cafés and restaurants, the Gröna Lund Tivoli, the Skansen Open-Air Museum and the well-known Vasa Museum, which houses the 17th-century warship Vasa.
Out on more open water, you will pass Fjäderholmarna, the Feather Islands. Continue past Prince Eugen's Waldemarsudde.
After the visit, reboard your coach for the panoramic return drive to the pier and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your coach for a 30-minute drive towards the City Hall.
The imposing City Hall is beautifully situated by the shores of the Lake Mälaren. Inaugurated in 1923 after 12 years of work, it is renowned for its architecture, murals, and mosaics, as well as for being the site of the annual Nobel Prize banquet. Experience the grandeur and spaciousness of the impressive Blue Hall and Golden Chamber and enjoy the beautiful view from the Garden.
Witness the historic elegance of the exterior of the Royal Palace, dating from the 18th century but built on the remains of the old castle “Three Crowns”, which dates as far back as the 12th century. Built on a hill in the Old Town, the Royal Palace has no less than 608 rooms.
Continue with your guide for a walk along the narrow streets of the Old Town and experience the medieval intimacy of what is today a living historical monument of international renown. Savour the bohemian atmosphere and the sense of age in houses dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries with Baroque doorways and coats of arms. You will pass by Stockholm Cathedral (the oldest church in Stockholm) and the Great Square in the centre of the Old Town, which is dominated by the old Stock Exchange, today housing the Nobel (Prize) Museum and the Swedish Academy.
Next, reboard your coach and continue the panoramic sightseeing en route to the Vasa Museum, for a guided visit. The museum was built around a 17th century warship, which sank in Stockholm’s inner harbour on its maiden voyage in 1628. Salvaged in 1961 and today restored to its former glory, the Vasa represents an authentic piece of living history.
After the visit, reboard your coach for the panoramic return drive to the pier and your ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Travel with peace of mind as PONANT organises your day time between your port of disembarkation and the airport.
After disembarkation procedures are completed, you will be greeted at the port of Stockholm by our local English-speaking representative.
From the comfort of your coach, you will enjoy a scenic countryside en route to Sigtuna, an idyllic little town, approximately 45-minute drive north of Stockholm and 15-minute drive of the airport. A lovely city beautifully situated between the Lake Mälaren and cultivated areas bearing countless traces of old cultural traditions.
Sigtuna was founded around 980 on the threshold of a new age as the Viking period became the medieval period, and Sweden united into one kingdom. Sigtuna became the first Christian town in Sweden, a centre of the new religion.
Many stone churches were erected but only the ruins of three of them remain to be seen. During your guide visit, you will discover this charming town with picturesque wooden houses, and narrow alleys.
You will then be transferred to the airport in time for check-in for the PONANT selected flight.
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Please note:
Duration and order of the visits may vary. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
In the event of schedule changes of PONANT’s selected flight, your programme will be adapted to ensure the most seamless and enriching experience. The content of your revised programme will be updated on the PONANT website, in My Ponant space and on the PONANT app. The final programme will also be sent to you along with your cruise documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 170 €
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : 790 €
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.